What is Bioresonance?

MORA Nova – Bioresonance Therapy Bioresonance therapy is designed to activate the body’s ability to regulate and heal itself by treating imbalances caused by irritants, toxins, pathogens and environmental pollutants. Conceived of and developed in Germany, the Mora NovaTM is one of the world’s leading devices in providing bioresonance treatments. Initially the Mora NovaTM is used to evaluate an individual’s frequency patterns in the form of oscillations (electromagnetic waves). Those patterns are then compared with the harmonious patterns stored within the Mora’s database. When frequency patterns within the body are determined to be stressed or unhealthy (typically by causing allergies, food intolerances and other imbalances) the Mora Nova delivers individualized therapies to treat and invert the harmful frequencies until healthy patterns are restored. The therapy can reduce imbalances and help the body to recover. It can also be used to help identify and prevent problems proactively, before imbalances occur or advance. […]