Transition Challenges of Going Back to School

By: Geraldine Del Monaco, Energy Healer & Intuitive Practitioner Anxious feelings are normal and expected during times of transition or change. This is especially true for children and teens going back to school, or for first-timers starting kindergarten. This transition can be stressful and disruptive for the entire family! Prior to the first day of school, your anxious child may cling, cry, have temper tantrums, complain of headaches or stomach pains, withdraw, and become sullen or irritable. Worries are common. Anxious children and teens worry about many different school-related issues, such as teachers, friends, fitting in, and/or being away from their parents. Also as parents, we often have high expectation and when they are not met, we can unconsciously transmit our frustration to our kids. The following are a list of physical and emotional signs of anxiety that parents can watch for: […]