About Dr. Angelina Riopel ND

Dr. Angelina Riopel is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Ontario. Angelina began her studies in Melbourne, Australia at the Melbourne College of Natural Medicine obtaining a degree in health sciences, specializing in naturopathy. She is a member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND) and the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND). Angelina has practiced in both Edmonton and Toronto and has treated everything from simple digestive issues to complex terminal illnesses. She has trained extensively in the use of IV Therapy for acute and chronic disease, and has a special interest in women’s health, hormonal imbalances, chronic fatigue and digestive health. By working through her own undiagnosed health concerns at a young age, Angelina learned the importance of listening to the body. She believes that the body is constantly communicating through symptoms, letting us know when we are in and out of balance. She is passionate about working with individuals to achieve internal balance and optimal health through mastering the basics of healthy living.

Bioresonance Therapy Benefits: 4 Reasons to Choose MORA Bioresonance Therapy

Many people have been asking us about bioresonance therapy benefits. MORA Bioresonance is a non-invasive, painless type of therapy that involves placing electrodes on the skin to identify & treat allergies, toxin accumulation, and other imbalances that may lead to various health conditions. In this blog, we'll explore 4 key benefits of choosing MORA Bioresonance therapy, including its effectiveness in treating conditions like allergies and pain, as well as how this non-invasive therapy, can support the body's own healing processes.1. Bioresonance Therapy EffectivenessMORA Bioresonance therapy is effective at addressing various health conditions, including but not limited to:Allergies: food intolerances, hay fever and pet allergiesSinusitis AsthmaDetoxification support EczemaAcne General skin conditionsReduction of stress/anxietyOrgan support and reduction of energy blockages, especially after injuries or surgeryAcute and chronic painGout Acute and chronic infectionsSmoking cessationCellulite therapyMaintenance of health and well-being2. Support Your Body’s Own HealingMORA Bioresonance therapy supports your body’s own healing by addressing what is getting in the way and preventing your body from healing and self-regulating. The most common culprits being toxins, heavy metals, infections, food sensitivities and nutrient deficiencies. Bioresonance therapy aims to identify these issues and provide targeted treatment, promoting natural healing processes. By using bioresonance, patients can experience relief from a wide variety of conditions including allergies and digestive concerns, making it a versatile and holistic approach to wellness.3. Bioresonance Is Relaxing and PainlessOne of the main bioresonance therapy advantages is that the process is a painless process. In fact, it is actually quite relaxing. There are many types of treatments, and most take 20-40 minutes, during which you can sit back and relax. The therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to address various health issues without causing discomfort. This makes it an appealing option for individuals seeking alternative therapies [...]

By |2024-06-25T07:36:06-04:00January 24th, 2023|MORA Treatment|Comments Off on Bioresonance Therapy Benefits: 4 Reasons to Choose MORA Bioresonance Therapy

Self-Breast Examination

By: Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND Self-breast examinations are a very important part of self-care, as women need to know what normal is so they can detect changes in the quality of their breast tissue. “Forty percent of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump, so establishing a regular breast self-exam is very important.” John Hopkins medical center WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? “Normal” breast tissue will vary between women and change throughout the month due to the menstrual cycle. Note what your breast tissue feels like during the different stages of your cycle, as breast tissue is sensitive to hormonal fluctuations and can lead to breast tissue changes. Important changes to note and if any of the following are observed please seek medical evaluation: New lumps. Most breast lumps are not cancerous but should be examined by a medical professional for evaluation. Changes, irritation or redness in the breast tissue, skin and nipple Dimpling or thickening of the breast skin Discharge from the nipple […]

By |2024-07-22T08:38:15-04:00October 17th, 2017|Post Natal Care, Self Care, Women's Wellness|Comments Off on Self-Breast Examination

Keep Your Hand Out of the Cookie Jar this Holiday Season

The holidays are often a busy and stressful time. The fast pace can lead to an increase in stress hormones, blood sugar fluctuations, cravings and over-eating. The following are some simple strategies that can help you stay grounded and keep your hand out of the cookie jar. Schedule Your Self-Care Creating a self-care plan BEFORE the madness begins can help keep stress hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol in check! Stress hormones affect mood, blood sugar levels, appetite and food cravings – tempting us to overindulge in sweets, treats and alcohol. Self-care is often something that is prioritized when we have time, but then let go when we need it most. Keep it simple and enjoyable! Examples may include taking time every morning to enjoy a healthy breakfast, a bath at the end of the day, an acupuncture session, a morning walk or going to bed early 1-2 nights per week. Your self-care should keep you in balance and help relieve stress. […]

By |2024-06-21T03:05:53-04:00November 29th, 2016|Digestion, ND Editorial, Nutrition|Comments Off on Keep Your Hand Out of the Cookie Jar this Holiday Season

Healthy Weight Loss

By Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND   Weight loss is a big business. It is confusing and we have been sold the idea of quick fix, dramatic weight-loss that is often not healthy nor sustainable.   Unfortunately this often leads to yo-yo dieting, dramatic weight-loss then the inevitable weight gain, and do it all over again.   So what is a healthy diet? How does one achieve a healthy weight? […]

By |2024-10-23T08:13:18-04:00April 27th, 2016|Digestion, ND Editorial, Nutrition|Comments Off on Healthy Weight Loss

A Holistic Approach to Cellulite

By Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND   It is estimated that approximately 90% of females over the age of 35 have been have some degree of cellulite. It does not just affect those that are over-weight, although excess body fat can make the appearance of cellulite worse. Many factors influence the development of cellulite. Female anatomy, hormones, blood and lymphatic circulation, diet and lifestyle factors all contribute to the formation and appearance of cellulite. Contributing factors to cellulite formation and appearance: 1. Hormonal stimulation of fat cells, primarily by estrogen. Estrogen stimulates fat cell production and growth and fat cells make estrogen – its a vicious cycle. Exposure to environmental toxins and sub-optimal detoxification by the liver can lead to a build up estrogens, which is termed ‘estrogen dominance’. Environmental exposure of estrogens is significant. ‘Xenoestrogens’ are a sub-category of chemicals called endocrine disruptors, which are known to alter the normal function of our hormones. Sources include plastic – bottled water and any food sold and prepared in plastic should be avoided. Skin care and beauty products, insecticides sprays, and many other products contain endocrine disrupting chemicals. The Environmental Working Group provides a comprehensive database of environmental toxin sources. (www.ewg.org). Estrogen metabolism happens primarily in the liver. The liver breaks down estrogen, along with many other substances, so they can be eliminated by the body. When the liver is over-burdened or sluggish, estrogens are not efficiently eliminated from the body. Our primary goals are: Decrease exposure to environmental toxins Keep liver function efficient. Consume plenty of green leafy vegetables, bitter greens and herbal bitters. The bitter flavor stimulates the livers production of bile improving digestion and releasing toxins through the bile. Balance estrogen levels. Consumption of [...]

By |2024-06-26T07:21:58-04:00April 6th, 2016|ND Editorial|Comments Off on A Holistic Approach to Cellulite

Naturopathic Preconception Planning

By Dr. Angelina Riopel, NDPreconception Care Plan for FertilityPreconception is a vital yet often overlooked step in preparing for pregnancy. Naturopathic preconception planning focuses on improving overall health, optimizing fertility and supporting a healthy pregnancy journey. By addressing factors like hormonal balance, nutrition, and lifestyle, this proactive approach can improve your chances of conception and improve pregnancy outcomes.Ideally, preconception care should begin at least three months to a year before the desired conception date. This period allows for tracking the menstrual cycle and ovulation, identifying factors that impact egg and sperm quality and improving overall preconception health. During this time, potential nutritional deficiencies will be addressed and a customized preconception care plan may include detoxification or lifestyle adjustments tailored to your needs.The following is a detailed outline of key areas addressed during naturopathic preconception planning, ensuring your body is prepared for a healthy pregnancy, delivery, and baby.Preconception Diet & Nutrient DeficienciesDietary changes should start well before trying to conceive, as proper nutrition plays a critical role in preconception care. Many essential nutrients, such as fatty acids, proteins, minerals and fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin D, are stored in the body for future use. Without adequate stores, the body prioritizes fetal development, leaving the mother at risk of deficiencies that may affect her health. Identifying and addressing nutritional status through a combination of diet and prenatal supplements is key to supporting a healthy pregnancy.A nutrient-dense diet rich in whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, quality proteins and a variety of fruits and vegetables is encouraged during the preconception period. Foods that trigger inflammation or allergies should also be removed to optimize reproductive health and ensure the body is ready for conception. This proactive approach helps lay the foundation [...]

By |2025-02-11T03:47:38-05:00March 1st, 2016|Fertility, ND Editorial, Nutrition|Comments Off on Naturopathic Preconception Planning

Get Your Body On Board With Your Travel Plans

By Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND   When travelling, changes in routine, sleep and diet can increase risk of susceptibility to infection, fatigue and digestive upset – the last thing one wants to experience while away. Prevention is key and is possible if you begin by preparing your body prior to departure. Two to three weeks before departure proactively addressing digestion, immunity and stress and continuing the protocol throughout the trip, will improve the likelihood of a healthy and enjoyable time away. […]

By |2024-06-26T07:11:12-04:00January 12th, 2016|Digestion, ND Editorial, Travel|Comments Off on Get Your Body On Board With Your Travel Plans

Herbal Bitters for Digestive Drama

With Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND As we move into holiday season restrictive diets go out the window, and rightfully so. Unfortunately with holiday indulging many are plagued with digestive drama, such as gastric reflux, gas, bloating and bowel changes such as constipation and diarrhea. Alcohol, fatty foods and excess sugar put stress on the liver, leading to “liver stagnation” and large, complex meals can lead to incomplete digestion, due to insufficient gastric juices. Traditionally herbal bitters and digestive cordials were taken to prevent indigestion and improve digestive efficiency. The flavor of bitter is one that the western diet is lacking, culturally our preference being for sweet, salty and fatty. Traditionally and in many other cultures bitter herbs, bitter greens and bitter aperitifs are taken before or after meals to improve digestion and avoid the unpleasant digestive symptoms that follow heavy meals. […]

By |2024-09-26T07:22:24-04:00December 8th, 2015|Digestion, Nutrition|Comments Off on Herbal Bitters for Digestive Drama

What Your Skin Says About Your Health

by Dr. Angelina Riopel, NDThe Language of SkinSkin concerns often reflect internal imbalances, which is why understanding what your skin says about your health is important. While topical solutions like anti-ageing creams for wrinkles, steroid creams for eczema, and clear skin products for acne can help, they usually address only surface-level symptoms.Digging deeper, skin issues such as oily skin, acne or premature ageing often indicate underlying problems with digestion, hormones, hydration, or stress-related skin conditions. Your skin acts as a mirror, revealing what’s happening inside your body. By addressing these root causes with naturopathic skin care, dietary changes and holistic treatments, you can achieve both healthier skin and overall well-being.Your skin tells a story—listening to it is the first step toward long-term solutions for radiant, glowing skin.Understanding Common Skin ConcernsOur skin is more than just an outer layer; it’s a powerful indicator of overall health. From oily skin and acne to premature ageing, the appearance and condition of your skin often reflect internal imbalances. For example, hormones and skin health are closely linked, with fluctuations in hormone levels leading to breakouts, dryness, or other skin issues. Similarly, stress-related skin conditions like acne rosacea can reveal underlying factors such as candida overgrowth or chronic inflammation.Addressing these concerns requires more than topical skin treatments. It involves looking at the root causes, including digestion, hydration and lifestyle habits. Whether you’re seeking clear skin tips, ways to combat premature ageing skin, or insights into how gut health affects the skin, understanding the connection between your skin and your internal health is essential. By taking a holistic approach, you can achieve lasting improvements in skin health.Oily SkinOily skin is often dehydrated or your cleanser may be stripping your skin, causing [...]

By |2025-02-11T03:42:26-05:00November 12th, 2015|Skin Hair & Nails|Comments Off on What Your Skin Says About Your Health

A Traditional Approach to Winter Wellness

by Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND The change of seasons requires a conscious shift in how eat and care for ourselves in order to support vitality, immunity, metabolism and digestion. As we move from autumn to winter this is even more essential for individuals with colder constitutions and weak digestive systems. Improve Circulation Support Digestion Keep Your Wind Gate Covered Support Your Kidneys […]

By |2024-06-14T03:11:26-04:00November 12th, 2015|Cold and Flu Season, Self Care|Comments Off on A Traditional Approach to Winter Wellness
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