The Energy of Fear

By Marco Rosada, Biofield Therapist Human biofield: where fear energy sits. Biofields are any electromagnetic energy field (1) pertaining to any living being. The human biofield (2), also called the human energy body, is the energetic blueprint or matrix that creates the human form. Every human being and every living creature on this planet has such a blueprint. The human biofield is made of morphogenetic (3), etheric fields (4), and other special fields, each of which has different functions and roles. For instance, our physical, mental, and emotional health states are reflected in a section of our biofield called Aura or Auric body, which can be measured, read, and interpreted for therapeutic purposes. This field consists of multiple bands of energy called auric layers or auric fields that encompass the subtle body, connecting us to the outside world energetically. Human biofield is also responsible for the dynamic communication between systems, organs, and cells in our physical body that are connected by a flow of energy that contains information about their health, function, feelings, and our perception of the surrounding environment. In our biofield, the energy of long-lasting fear behaves similarly to that of some of the most health-threatening feelings like hate, resentment, lack of self-esteem, or sense of guilt. Fear causes a generalized drop in the biofield frequency rate that, depending on its severity can cause physical discomforts and mental imbalance. […]

By |2023-04-28T10:25:32-04:00January 20th, 2021|Medical Intuition, Mind Body Medicine|Comments Off on The Energy of Fear

How to Access Your Body’s Intelligence

with Geraldine Lo Monaco, Intuitive Healer The body has its own intelligence that will help guide your decisions. In this workshop you will learn exercises to decode the body’s messages, including: How to tune in with the physical signals of your body How to interpret and trust these signals How to act upon your body’s wisdom The body never lies. WHEN: Wed., Nov. 27th, 7:30-8:30 WHERE: Innate Wellness, 5 Quebec Avenue COST: FREE   [contact-field label="Name" type="name" required="true" /][contact-field label="Email" type="email" required="true" /][contact-field label="Website" type="url" /][contact-field label="Message" type="textarea" /]

By |2024-08-28T03:50:42-04:00October 7th, 2019|Medical Intuition, Mental Clarity, Mind Body Medicine, Upcoming Events at Innate, Workshops|Comments Off on How to Access Your Body’s Intelligence

Allergy Assessment using MORA Bioresonance Therapy

Allergy Assessment using MORA Bioresonance Testing By Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND  Allergies develop when the immune system mistakes a harmless substance like a food, animal dander or pollen as harmful.    “Leaky Gut Syndrome” (LGS) is a common underlying cause of food allergies and sensitivities. LGS is the result of irritation and inflammation of the gut lining, as well as disruption of the microbiome, which is composed of healthy flora within the gut. Irritation and inflammation result from chronic exposure to inflammatory foods, environmental toxins, pesticides, food additives and medication, which also disrupt the microbiome.  The leaky gut lining allows both bacteria and food proteins, that normally do not pass through the gut lining, into the systemic circulation, there they trigger the immune system and are labelled as invaders and allergies and sensitivities develop. […]

By |2024-04-30T10:23:41-04:00September 4th, 2018|Allergies, Detoxification/Cleanse, Medical Intuition, Mind Body Medicine|Comments Off on Allergy Assessment using MORA Bioresonance Therapy

Using Your Third Eye to Tap into Your Intuition

By Geraldine LoMonaco, Energy Healer & Intuitive Practitioner  Have you ever had a moment when you felt something was just not right? Maybe you had a sense of unease while walking through a parking lot or meeting someone for the first time. How did you respond? Did you shrug it off or dismiss it as illogical nonsense? […]

By |2024-06-26T07:13:27-04:00March 6th, 2018|Innate Wisdom Practitioner Q&A, Medical Intuition, Mental Clarity, Mind Body Medicine|Comments Off on Using Your Third Eye to Tap into Your Intuition
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