The Benefits of Cupping Therapy

By Elizabeth John, RMTThe benefits of cupping therapy are numerous, as this ancient healing method is used to ease back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other issues. Cupping therapy uses suction to pull on your skin and increase blood flow to the affected area. It can ease scar tissue deep within muscles and connective tissues, and reduce swelling and muscle knots.Types of CuppingTwo popular types of cupping are: stationary and sliding. Stationary cupping therapy uses suction only, keeping the cups in place for a set time, usually 5 to 10 minutes. Sliding cupping therapy is a traditional therapy that has been used for centuries to manage pain and promote relaxation. This therapy involves applying suction cups to the skin, which are subsequently moved around the body to promote blood flow and relieve muscle tension. Sliding cupping is more like a deep tissue massage where the provider moves the cups over the area of pain or concern. […]

By |2024-06-07T10:04:17-04:00April 30th, 2024|Acupuncture, Detoxification/Cleanse, Massage Therapy, Pain and Fatigue, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture|Comments Off on The Benefits of Cupping Therapy

Men’s Health During the Winter Season

By Xianmin Yu, R.TCMP & R.Ac According to the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), men’s kidney essence starts to decline at the age of 40. It is time for you to do some preparation to deal with this natural process, especially during the severe cold winter. How can you manage to strengthen your body and relieve the stress and pressure of work? TCM has already given you the guidance in its classic “Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic”, i.e., nourishing your kidneys and storing the essence. According to TCM, the human body corresponds to natural seasons, i.e., the liver corresponding to spring, the heart corresponding to early to middle summer, the spleen corresponding to middle to late summer, the lung corresponding to autumn, and the kidney corresponding to winter. The warm spring nourishes the liver, while the hot summer nourishes the heart and the spleen. After the cool autumn nourishes the lungs, the cold winter is around the corner. Winter is the season of replenishing energy and nourishing the kidney. It is a perfect time for kidney to store its essence and consolidate your body foundation. Thus, here are a few important suggestions for you to consider. […]

By |2023-04-28T10:24:20-04:00November 28th, 2020|Acupuncture, Men's Health, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture|Comments Off on Men’s Health During the Winter Season

Traditional Chinese Medicine for PCOS Treatment

By Xianmin Yu, R.Ac, R.TCMPPolycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common health issue among women of childbearing age, with an incidence as high as 10%. It is characterized by hormonal imbalance and may be accompanied by many other abnormal metabolisms. The ovaries may not be able to develop eggs or release eggs regularly.What are the symptoms of PCOS?Most commonly observed clinical symptoms are:Irregular menstrual period, including prolonged or irregular periods, or even stopped periods.Weight problems, including weight gain and it is very difficult to lose weight.Abnormal hair growth and loss in unwanted areas, including excess facial and body hair which are due to elevated levels of male hormone, and/or hair loss on the head.Acne on face and chest, sometimes upper back. […]

By |2024-04-08T02:09:25-04:00August 16th, 2019|Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, Women's Wellness|Comments Off on Traditional Chinese Medicine for PCOS Treatment

7-Day Change of Season Cleanse

By Dr. Angelina Riopel As we move from autumn to winter and approach the holiday season, it is a great time to pause and cleanse (not detox), in order to clean up our diets and recharge. […]

By |2024-06-26T07:26:14-04:00November 21st, 2018|Detoxification/Cleanse, Nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture|Comments Off on 7-Day Change of Season Cleanse

Prevention Acupuncture

By Xianmin Yu, R.Ac Have you considered starting off the year with some acupuncture? Preventative acupuncture treatment is one way to prevent illness throughout the year. What is prevention treatment? The conception of prevention has been raised in the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) classic more than 2000 years ago. This prevention treatment idea is composed of two important meanings. First, it stresses the important notion of dealing with any potential or foreseeable illness by applying acupuncture, moxa, herbs in advance on your healthy bodies to prevent them from taking place. Second, it stresses an important notion of stopping the existing illness from transforming and transporting to other parts of your bodies by applying TCM treatment methods. A metaphor that could be used here is to prepare weapons ready before the war starts. […]

By |2024-08-28T03:53:29-04:00January 9th, 2018|Acupuncture, Cold and Flu Season, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture|Comments Off on Prevention Acupuncture

Weight Loss with Acupuncture & Cupping

Interview with Xianmin, Registered Acupuncturist The summer is a perfect time to begin a weight loss program due to the abundance of fresh healthy food and longer days which aid in the regulation of metabolism. Naturopathic weight loss protocols often involve acupuncture and cupping. But why? Acupuncture can be a great technique to reduce feelings of hunger and relieve stress. Cupping helps to reduce stagnation in the tissue and works on the level of cellulite. This month we asked Innate Wellness Acupuncturist, Xian Min about the details of his weight loss program. To learn more about how acupuncture and cupping might work for you, book a free 15 minute consult with Xianmin.  […]

By |2024-06-13T02:54:25-04:00July 11th, 2017|Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, Weight Loss|Comments Off on Weight Loss with Acupuncture & Cupping

The Wisdom of Summer Eating

By Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND Summer is ruled by the fire element in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is the height of ‘yang’ energy, which rules expansion, growth, and creativity. Nature is at its peak in terms of growth and the motion of natural energy is moving upwards – meaning that this is the perfect time to harness that natural high in your energy levels! Being mindful to match your eating habits to the movement of this season can help maintain health and energy all year round. Enjoy beautiful meals with colorful fruits and vegetables. Not only are these foods inspiring and fun but they are full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Avoid COLD foods but consume COOLING foods. Cold foods cause contraction in the stomach and interfere with digestion. This includes overconsumption of raw fruit/vegetable juice*, salads or raw greens, iced drinks and ice cream. On the other hand, cooling foods are ones that disperse heat without creating coldness in the stomach. These include: salads, sprouts, fruit, cucumber, tofu and many herbal teas (see our Cooling Chrysanthemum Tea recipe). […]

By |2024-06-21T03:08:17-04:00July 9th, 2017|Digestion, Nutrition, Recipes, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture|Comments Off on The Wisdom of Summer Eating

Cooling Chrysanthemum Tea

By Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND Chrysanthemum tea is traditionally steeped in hot water with the addition of sugar and sometimes with the addition of goji berries. This tea can be used to ‘cool’ summer heat amongst other healing properties. In Traditional Chinese Medicine it is also believed to clear the liver and the eyes. With this recipe, I have included chamomile and mint to add to the cooling benefits of the chrysanthemum. I have also recommended maple syrup or Manuka honey instead of rock sugar or cane sugar as they are higher in nutrient density, health benefits and lower in glycemic index. This tea is best mixed in a large dry batch of loose herbs then made one pot at a time. […]

By |2024-06-21T03:12:53-04:00July 9th, 2017|Recipes, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture|Comments Off on Cooling Chrysanthemum Tea

Cupping Therapy in Athletic Recovery

By Dr. Kathleen Regan ND   Cupping therapy is an ancient treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has been practiced for thousands of years. This involves using glass cups and heat to create suction on the skin or by using modern plastic or glass cups with a pump to create suction on the skin. This technique creates read, circular markings that can last hours to days. Cupping has recently gained media attention due to the number of cupping marks seen on athletes in the 2016 Rio Olympics. Which is great because cupping is AMAZING for athletes. […]

By |2024-05-14T03:59:12-04:00August 9th, 2016|Pain and Fatigue, Self Care, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture|Comments Off on Cupping Therapy in Athletic Recovery

Acupuncture for Allergies Package

It’s finally that time of year where April showers start turning into May flowers. It is also the beginning of Allergy Season, which for many of us is the start of dealing with symptoms such as runny nose, sinus congestion, itchy eyes, sore throats, headaches and possibly skin reactions. Treat your allergies with acupuncture!! Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture has been treating allergy symptoms for thousands of years with great success. Paired with dietary and lifestyle changes, acupuncture can help treat your symptoms but will have long lasting effect reducing the chance of any symptoms returning in the future. This year we are offering an Acupuncture for Allergies Package to help you nip your allergies in the bud (literally!). This includes: Initial acupuncture intake 3 follow-up acupuncture sessions Price $350 (save $50). *Additional sessions can be bought at our regular package rate of 3 sessions for $255. Please call our High Park or Annex location to book an appointment or for more information.

By |2024-06-19T03:09:40-04:00April 5th, 2016|Allergies, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture|Comments Off on Acupuncture for Allergies Package
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