The Benefits of Cupping Therapy

By Elizabeth John, RMTThe benefits of cupping therapy are numerous, as this ancient healing method is used to ease back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other issues. Cupping therapy uses suction to pull on your skin and increase blood flow to the affected area. It can ease scar tissue deep within muscles and connective tissues, and reduce swelling and muscle knots.Types of CuppingTwo popular types of cupping are: stationary and sliding. Stationary cupping therapy uses suction only, keeping the cups in place for a set time, usually 5 to 10 minutes. Sliding cupping therapy is a traditional therapy that has been used for centuries to manage pain and promote relaxation. This therapy involves applying suction cups to the skin, which are subsequently moved around the body to promote blood flow and relieve muscle tension. Sliding cupping is more like a deep tissue massage where the provider moves the cups over the area of pain or concern. […]

By |2024-06-07T10:04:17-04:00April 30th, 2024|Acupuncture, Detoxification/Cleanse, Massage Therapy, Pain and Fatigue, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture|Comments Off on The Benefits of Cupping Therapy

Diets and Foods That Can Help With Migraines

by Kathleen Regan, NDWhat are Migraines?Migraine headaches, characterized by intense pain, often come with symptoms such as sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, and fatigue. Diet plays a key role in managing these episodes. Research indicates that certain foods can either trigger or help reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. Identifying and avoiding foods that cause migraines, while incorporating migraine-reducing foods into your diet, can be a proactive approach to minimizing symptoms. This strategy is part of a broader migraine diet plan that aims to identify dietary causes of migraines and employ natural remedies for migraine headaches. […]

By |2024-04-08T03:02:06-04:00June 14th, 2023|Allergies, Digestion, Mental Clarity, Migraines, Naturopathic Medicine, Nutrition, Pain and Fatigue|Comments Off on Diets and Foods That Can Help With Migraines

Harnessing Energy to Achieve Your Goals in 2020

By: Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND Energy is the fundamental fuel you need to achieve your goals this year. In addition to discipline, focus, vision and other forces required to realize your goals, adequate amounts of energy are essential are essential for the endurance, focus and positivity needed to reach our goals.  The role energy plays in goal setting is paramount. Have you ever failed at a New Year’s resolution and experienced negative self-talk? ‘Lazy’, ‘Unmotivated’, ‘Unfocused’, ‘Depressed’ are some of the words people hear. Does this sound like you? If it does, ask yourself this important question:  […]

By |2024-08-28T03:49:50-04:00January 4th, 2020|Anxiety, Mental Clarity, Mind Body Medicine, Nutrition, Pain and Fatigue, Self Care, Women's Wellness|Comments Off on Harnessing Energy to Achieve Your Goals in 2020

Detoxification with MORA Bioresonance Therapy

By Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND Many common health concerns can be associated with toxin accumulation within the body.  Our everyday lifestyle exposes us too many types of toxins including pesticides and preservatives in food, air pollution, metals and chemicals in our drinking water and a plethora of toxins are found in our cosmetics and body care products. Toxins must be processed and eliminated, but when our exposure becomes more than what our body can deal with and eliminate we develop symptoms from a build up of toxins. Common health concerns that can be associated with toxicity: […]

By |2023-04-20T10:32:58-04:00July 2nd, 2019|Allergies, Detoxification/Cleanse, Digestion, MORA Treatment, Naturopathic Medicine, Nutrition, Pain and Fatigue, Self Care, Skin Hair & Nails, Women's Wellness|Comments Off on Detoxification with MORA Bioresonance Therapy

The Importance of Thyroid Health

By Dr. Keara Taylor, ND Are you feeling tired or sluggish?  Have you been experiencing a low mood, weight gain or difficulty losing weight?  These are all symptoms that potentially point to an issue with your thyroid gland. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that is located in the neck and controls many vital functions of the body including energy levels, metabolism, body temperature, and heart rate. The thyroid gland can be overactive (hyperthyroidism), or underactive (hypothyroidism), although hypothyroidism is more common.  Additionally, women are more likely than men to experience a thyroid issue at some point in their life.  Some other symptoms of hypothyroidism include: cold intolerance, constipation, brain fog, irregular periods, heavy periods, infertility, high cholesterol, hair loss, and fluid retention. […]

By |2024-06-26T06:04:04-04:00March 19th, 2019|Anxiety, Fertility, Naturopathic Medicine, ND Editorial, Pain and Fatigue, Post Natal Care, Women's Wellness|Comments Off on The Importance of Thyroid Health

Hangover Helper

By: Jennifer Boake, R.H.N The holidays are around the corner and for many of us this means overindulging in food and alcohol. Tis the season of celebration and socializing! Here are some handy & healthy tips to speed your recovery. […]

By |2024-08-28T03:54:13-04:00November 21st, 2018|Detoxification/Cleanse, Nutrition, Pain and Fatigue, Self Care|Comments Off on Hangover Helper

Traditional Chinese Energy, Pain & Stress Management 

Q & A with Evelyn Cho, RMT, R.Ac Meet Evelyn! She is a new acupuncturist at Innate Wellness. She brings a great balance to our acupuncture practice with a background as a Registered Massage Therapist & Registered Acupuncturist. She blends the two therapies but only offers acupuncture sessions at Innate Wellness. Her knowledge gives her a great edge in the treatment of chronic fatigue, chronic pain and chronic stress. We sat down to ask her a few tips about managing these conditions with acupuncture. Evelyn practices on Wednesdays at our High Park location. Call the front desk to book an appointment! What is your focus in your acupuncture practice? My main focus is chronic pain and fatigue.  I have worked as a Massage therapist for 10 years, so I have a lot of experience treating acute injuries, repetitive strains, and trauma from sports or accidents.  Recently, I’ve turned my attention to chronic pain or fibromyalgia, which doesn’t always have an obvious cause or progression.  The combination of massage therapy and acupuncture work very well together to alleviate pain and improve energy levels.  In addition, I’ve worked with a lot of fertility cases, headaches/migraines, and facial rejuvenation. Can acupuncture be used to improve energy & motivation?  It sure can! Many find the cold months very challenging, moods are depressed and energy is lower.  It’s usually helpful to make a few lifestyle and dietary tweaks in conjunction with acupuncture treatments. I usually recommend a course of 10 weekly treatments to make a major shift, but people usually notice significant improvement by 5-6 treatments. […]

By |2024-06-24T08:30:23-04:00January 9th, 2018|Acupuncture, Mental Clarity, Pain and Fatigue, Women's Wellness|Comments Off on Traditional Chinese Energy, Pain & Stress Management 

Cupping Therapy in Athletic Recovery

By Dr. Kathleen Regan ND   Cupping therapy is an ancient treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has been practiced for thousands of years. This involves using glass cups and heat to create suction on the skin or by using modern plastic or glass cups with a pump to create suction on the skin. This technique creates read, circular markings that can last hours to days. Cupping has recently gained media attention due to the number of cupping marks seen on athletes in the 2016 Rio Olympics. Which is great because cupping is AMAZING for athletes. […]

By |2024-09-26T07:22:52-04:00August 9th, 2016|Pain and Fatigue, Self Care, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture|Comments Off on Cupping Therapy in Athletic Recovery

Sports Medicine & Injury Prevention

Q&A with Dr. Jonathan Cartile, DC It’s official! The warm weather has arrived and with it naturally comes more running, swimming biking and outdoor sports. Injuries can be common especially as people are getting ramped up for summer training schedules. In this month’s Q&A Dr. Jon shares his top tips for building fitness and staying injury free all summer long! Dr. Jonathan Cartile, DC You have worked a fair amount with fitness from the average person to the athlete. Do you have any general recommendations for those beginning a new fitness program?  […]

By |2024-06-19T03:26:03-04:00June 6th, 2016|Innate Wisdom Practitioner Q&A, Pain and Fatigue|Comments Off on Sports Medicine & Injury Prevention

Fitness, Nutrition & the Menstrual Cycle

By Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND When it comes to fitness and nutrition, women have different needs than men. Fitness-based nutrition programs & training schedules have long assumed that men and women are the same. Modern research has taught us that there are important differences between the sexes and understanding our uniqueness can help maximize female performance. Female body composition is naturally higher in fat. The upside is that women use fat as their primary energy source. Women use dietary fats more efficiently than men but tend to lose fat less readily. How is that fair?! Estrogen seems to play a large role in this paradox. It has been shown that estrogen enhances fat use during exercise BUT reduces a woman’s ability to burn fat as energy after eating. Therefore, women may be better off to consume food before exercise but avoid food for 90 minutes after exercise to allow for the body to reach the maximum benefits of exercise induced fat burning. Women’s bodies tend not to burn carbohydrates as fuel until they reach very high levels of exercise intensity (~80-85% max effort). Carbohydrate loading may not be appropriate for the female fitness routine unless she is training at max effort (80-85% VO2max). If a woman is carbohydrate loading during moderate exercise she may not utilize this macronutrient. Worse, these unused carbs are ultimately converted and stored as fat. Therefore, unless a woman is training at a regular high intensity, she will benefit from keeping carbohydrates more moderate or approximately 30% of daily nutrient intake. The menstrual cycle and hormonal fluctuations women experience throughout the month influence their physical response to training as well as their metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. [...]

By |2024-06-13T03:01:40-04:00June 6th, 2016|ND Editorial, Nutrition, Pain and Fatigue|Comments Off on Fitness, Nutrition & the Menstrual Cycle
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