To Zoom or not to Zoom?

By Monica Grainger, MSW, RSW Recently, a NY Times writer David Streitfeld published an article, “The Long, Unhappy History of Working From Home,” claiming people are more productive working at the office than working from home. Streitfeld cited research dating back to the early 1980’s to 2009 where prodigious companies, such as Google and IBM, declared there was greater productivity, team innovation, creativity, and availability if employees worked in the office compared to working from home. Research dating back 40 years investigating the plausibility of working from home versus in-office work is outdated and tangential with the advent of online video conferencing. Applications, such as Zoom, Face-time, and other online Hiipa compliant video conference technology, are more sophisticated in our present time and available to a larger population. Hence, team innovation and creativity, accountability, and availability are now made possible for many work groups to meet through video conferencing.  […]

By |2023-04-28T10:23:25-04:00July 29th, 2020|Anxiety, Mental Clarity, psychotherapy|Comments Off on To Zoom or not to Zoom?

The Coronavirus and Your Anxious Children

By Monica Grainger, MSW, RSW This is an unusual time. Families are asked to stay at home and engage in social distancing due to the coronavirus (COVID-19). Families are becoming flooded with news from around the world about the deadly result of this virus. As we are becoming more anxious about COVID-19, the anxiety is mounting among our children. I have highlighted some behaviours which may lessen our childrens’ anxiety regarding the coronavirus. People are fearful and discussions about death are rampant. Children easily sense fear in other people. They need to be comforted and reassured that they are safe at home. In the next few days and weeks to come, help your children reduce their anxiety by adhering to the following recommendations: […]

By |2023-04-28T10:12:18-04:00March 24th, 2020|Anxiety, Cold and Flu Season, Mental Clarity, psychotherapy, Supporting Your Child|Comments Off on The Coronavirus and Your Anxious Children

Harnessing Energy to Achieve Your Goals in 2020

By: Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND Energy is the fundamental fuel you need to achieve your goals this year. In addition to discipline, focus, vision and other forces required to realize your goals, adequate amounts of energy are essential are essential for the endurance, focus and positivity needed to reach our goals.  The role energy plays in goal setting is paramount. Have you ever failed at a New Year’s resolution and experienced negative self-talk? ‘Lazy’, ‘Unmotivated’, ‘Unfocused’, ‘Depressed’ are some of the words people hear. Does this sound like you? If it does, ask yourself this important question:  […]

By |2023-04-20T10:41:52-04:00January 4th, 2020|Anxiety, Mental Clarity, Mind Body Medicine, Nutrition, Pain and Fatigue, Self Care, Women's Wellness|Comments Off on Harnessing Energy to Achieve Your Goals in 2020

5 Tips to MAINTAIN Weight Loss

By Monica Grainger, MSW, RSW Establish a regular eating schedule. Plan when you are going to eat and what your meals and snacks will be ahead of time. You are less likely to be tempted by unhealthy food. Know your triggers. Do you tend to eat when you are bored, anxious, or excited? Do you succumb to your cravings? Are you in social situations where you are offered food? Do you think about food, imagine having your favourite dessert? Being able to predict what will trigger overeating or grabbing junk food will help you reduce your exposure to it. […]

By |2023-04-21T02:38:44-04:00November 13th, 2019|Anxiety, Detoxification/Cleanse, Mental Clarity, Mind Body Medicine, Nutrition, Self Care, Weight Loss, Women's Wellness|Comments Off on 5 Tips to MAINTAIN Weight Loss

Be Calm During Stressful Times

Burnout Prevention with Dr. Alexia Georgousis, ND In this workshop, Dr. Alexia offers techniques on how to: RESPOND vs REACT Build RESILIENCE and STRENGTH Feel CLEAR & CALM WHEN: Thurs. Nov. 14th, 7:30-8:30 pm WHERE: Innate Wellness, 5 Quebec Avenue COST: FREE   [contact-field label="Name" type="name" required="1"][contact-field label="Email" type="email" required="1"][contact-field label="Message" type="textarea"]

By |2023-04-21T02:42:58-04:00October 7th, 2019|Anxiety, Mental Clarity, Mind Body Medicine, Self Care, Upcoming Events at Innate, Workshops|Comments Off on Be Calm During Stressful Times

Awareness: The Foundation for Happiness & Success

By Alexia Georgousis ND, CPC, Conscious Awareness Coach Emotions are a part of who we are as human beings. They are bundles of energy in motion. The key is to understand emotional energy needs to move through us rather than stay still.  Learning how to feel our emotions, learn from them and let them move through us is an essential life skill. Being emotionally aware is also referred to as waking up or becoming more conscious. More research is also supporting the importance of becoming more consciously aware of our emotions.  According to John Gottman a psychological researcher: “emotional awareness and abilities to handle feelings will determine your success and happiness in all walks of life, including family relationships” […]

By |2024-06-13T02:51:01-04:00June 25th, 2019|Anxiety, Mental Clarity, Mind Body Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, ND Editorial, psychotherapy, Relationships, Self Care, Women's Wellness|Comments Off on Awareness: The Foundation for Happiness & Success

Conscious Awareness Facilitation

Conscious Awareness Facilitation is a unique type of coaching developed by naturopathic doctor, Alexia Georgousis. It is intended to help you become more self-aligned and self-directed. In these one-on-one sessions, Alexia will provide you with various awareness practices specific to your needs.  You can feel more present, more calm and more engaged in your life by learning and practicing conscious awareness techniques. Feeling more joy and ease begins with awareness of ourselves. Once we become aware, we are better able to respond instead of react. We are no longer hostage to our emotions and we are then able to make choices that support the life we want to create. […]

By |2024-05-14T04:23:48-04:00June 18th, 2019|Anxiety, Mental Clarity, Mind Body Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, Self Care|Comments Off on Conscious Awareness Facilitation

The Ritual Tea

By Innate Wellness Team Part of Mother's Day is helping Mom celebrate the time and mindfulness she has put into parenting. We all need a reminder every now and then that we are doing a good job! For parents, a daily pat on the back is important. That is why we have brought the Ritual Tea to our 'Breakfast in Bed for Mom' feature. The Ritual Tea is formulated to be consumed daily in a window of calm with deep breathing and positive reflection on all the things we have done well. This rooibos blend includes the calming flavour of lemongrass with the warming and uplifting tastes of ginger, pink peppercorn, cardamom and cinnamon. Find your grounding and positivity in a mug of tea! For medicinal teas, steep 1 Tbsp of loose leaves for 10 minutes. Drink warm and with time to reflect.

By |2019-05-08T16:54:53-04:00May 8th, 2019|Anxiety, Mind Body Medicine, Recipes|Comments Off on The Ritual Tea

The Importance of Thyroid Health

By Dr. Keara Taylor, ND Are you feeling tired or sluggish?  Have you been experiencing a low mood, weight gain or difficulty losing weight?  These are all symptoms that potentially point to an issue with your thyroid gland. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that is located in the neck and controls many vital functions of the body including energy levels, metabolism, body temperature, and heart rate. The thyroid gland can be overactive (hyperthyroidism), or underactive (hypothyroidism), although hypothyroidism is more common.  Additionally, women are more likely than men to experience a thyroid issue at some point in their life.  Some other symptoms of hypothyroidism include: cold intolerance, constipation, brain fog, irregular periods, heavy periods, infertility, high cholesterol, hair loss, and fluid retention. […]

By |2024-06-26T06:04:04-04:00March 19th, 2019|Anxiety, Fertility, Naturopathic Medicine, ND Editorial, Pain and Fatigue, Post Natal Care, Women's Wellness|Comments Off on The Importance of Thyroid Health

New Year, New Worries?

By: Lindsey Danisch, MSW, RSW There’s lots of talk these days about anxiety. It seems to be more prevalent in today’s society. There are different types and severities of anxiety. It’s important to be reminded that anxiety is a normal human emotion and often a very helpful feeling. It can keep one safe, excited, motivated, on-time, and working hard. For some, it can develop into an emotion that interferes with daily living or quality of life. […]

By |2019-04-08T19:51:29-04:00December 19th, 2018|Anxiety, psychotherapy, Self Care|Comments Off on New Year, New Worries?
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