Chocolatey Chia Immune Smoothie

By Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND Looking for a change from your fruity, summer smoothie? This chocolatey, chia blend can be eaten warm or cold and combines the perfect winter ingredients. The combined antioxidants, protein, vitamin A, vitamin D & probiotic will help to boost your immune system during the busy holiday season and all winter long. It also contains a balance of carbohydrates, fat, protein and fiber that make for a balanced meal replacement. […]

By |2023-04-21T02:40:48-04:00December 18th, 2019|Cold and Flu Season, Nutrition, Recipes, Self Care|Comments Off on Chocolatey Chia Immune Smoothie

Recipes & DIY Remedies for Cold & Flu Season

With Kerri Lambie, Homeopath & Holistic Nutritionist Kerri will be sharing her How-To guide on home remedies for the cold &flu: The differences between broths & stocks Homemade Elderberry Cough Syrup Making a natural 'Vics' chest rub with essential oils and beeswax Top 5 Homeopathic remedies for cold & flu WHEN: Thurs, November 7th, 7:30-8:30 WHERE: Innate Wellness, 5 Quebec Avenue COST: Free   [contact-field label="Name" type="name" required="1"][contact-field label="Email" type="email" required="1"][contact-field label="Message" type="textarea"]

By |2023-04-20T10:45:09-04:00October 7th, 2019|Cold and Flu Season, Digestion, Homeopathy, Nutrition, Pediatric Health, Recipes, Upcoming Events at Innate, Workshops|Comments Off on Recipes & DIY Remedies for Cold & Flu Season

Mother’s Day Breakfast in Bed

By Innate Wellness Team At Innate Wellness we work a lot with women, supporting them through the parenting journey from preconception onward. Mother's Day is a special moment to pause and reflect on the love and effort that women put into their families and communities. The support we show our mother helps to renew her strength. With the right support, her strength can build amazing things! What better way to support her strength than with nourishing food? This year, our Innate Team has created a unique spread for breakfast in bed! Ritual Tea Refreshing Fruit Salad Baked Egg in Avocado 

By |2024-06-21T03:19:20-04:00May 8th, 2019|Recipes|Comments Off on Mother’s Day Breakfast in Bed

The Ritual Tea

By Innate Wellness Team Part of Mother's Day is helping Mom celebrate the time and mindfulness she has put into parenting. We all need a reminder every now and then that we are doing a good job! For parents, a daily pat on the back is important. That is why we have brought the Ritual Tea to our 'Breakfast in Bed for Mom' feature. The Ritual Tea is formulated to be consumed daily in a window of calm with deep breathing and positive reflection on all the things we have done well. This rooibos blend includes the calming flavour of lemongrass with the warming and uplifting tastes of ginger, pink peppercorn, cardamom and cinnamon. Find your grounding and positivity in a mug of tea! For medicinal teas, steep 1 Tbsp of loose leaves for 10 minutes. Drink warm and with time to reflect.

By |2019-05-08T16:54:53-04:00May 8th, 2019|Anxiety, Mind Body Medicine, Recipes|Comments Off on The Ritual Tea

Refreshing Fruit Salad

By Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND The combination of cucumbers, herbs and fruit makes this a uniquely refreshing take on a typical fruit salad. I love cilantro as a herb in the salad, it combines so nicely with the cucumber and grapefruit. But if you or Mom are not a fan of cilantro, mint is always delicious. Recipe: Grapefruit 2 honey crisp apple (or any crisp apple) 1 English cucumber Fresh raspberries 1 lime juiced Mint, basil or cilantro Chop peeled grapefruit, apples and cucumber into chunks, add the raspberries and toss in the herbs and lime juice. Enjoy!

By |2021-06-01T00:56:40-04:00May 8th, 2019|Recipes|Comments Off on Refreshing Fruit Salad

Mother’s Day Baked Egg in Avocado

By Kerri Lambie Hom, R.H.N As a nutritionist, I know the nutrient value of avocados. They offer an abundance of vitamin B6, vitamin C, fiber and healthy fats. They contain more potassium than a banana (Yes! True!) and are rich in folate. Amazingly, avocados can support your health in so many ways: Improve antioxidant absorption Reduce the risk of heart disease Boost your brain health, memory and mood Keep your eyes healthy as you age […]

By |2024-06-19T03:23:38-04:00May 8th, 2019|Recipes|Comments Off on Mother’s Day Baked Egg in Avocado

Spring Detox Smoothie

By Sonja Smiljanic, BA, NNCP Prep time: 5 mins Serves: 1 1/2 cup coconut water 5 ice cubes 1 cup raw baby spinach 1/2 green apple peeled and chopped 1/4 small avocado (for a bit of smoothness) Freshly grated ginger to taste (1/2 to 1″ is recommended) 1/4 freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 tsp. chia seeds Optional: unflavoured protein powder of choice and a dollop of cultured coconut yogurt to top […]

By |2024-06-24T08:36:44-04:00April 11th, 2019|Detoxification/Cleanse, Recipes|Comments Off on Spring Detox Smoothie

The Relatable Lunchbox Recipe

By Kerri Lambie, Registered Homeopath & Holistic Nutritionist Food was an integral component to my upbringing. I have great memories of sitting around the kitchen table for hours with my family laughing and enjoying the meal prepared for us. Going to school I had the same enjoyment from opening my brown paper bag (yes I am aging myself) and eating with my friends. Although there were many times I was envious of the cakes and cookies my friends had, as my mother opted for healthy snacks. I used to think that times had changed, however now as the mother of two boys I see the same lunch comparisons coming up much like I had those years ago. Soon after beginning kindergarten, my eldest son came home asking why he didn’t get cookies in his lunch like his friends (up until that point his sugar intake was pretty minimal aside from some natural sugars). I knew he was referring to those multi-coloured sprinkle cookies that attracted kids like a magpie to a shiny object! It dawned on me that in addition to making sure he was getting nutritious food for lunch, the snacks also needed to be trendy food that he and the other kids could relate to, so that he didn’t feel deprived and left out. Here are a couple of my boy’s favourites: Easy Chocolate Avocado Pudding […]

By |2024-06-19T03:03:20-04:00September 4th, 2018|Digestion, Nutrition, Recipes|Comments Off on The Relatable Lunchbox Recipe

Cranberry Roasted Chicken Recipe

By Liane Wansbrough, Holistic Nutritionist Cranberries typically make an appearance at the dinner table during the holidays in the form of sauce. Yet the berries, which come packed with great health benefits, can definitely serve as more than just a side dish. In season from September to December, you can find inexpensive fresh or frozen cranberries at most supermarkets. While the berries have lots of vitamin C and fiber, their high polyphenol content can also dial down inflammatory pathways, making them a great addition to any diet. Roasted cranberries add a bright burst of flavour that lends well to meat, poultry, vegetables and salads. Roasting makes use of the entire berry as opposed to cranberry juice, which doesn’t include skin or flesh. […]

By |2024-06-25T03:41:43-04:00November 14th, 2017|Nutrition, Recipes|Comments Off on Cranberry Roasted Chicken Recipe

Preparing A Balanced Back To School Lunch Box

By Andy Di Santis, Registered Dietician The start of the school year can be a hectic time for families. Between pick-ups, drop offs, homework and extracurricular activities, you could hardly be blamed for being crunched for time on a regular basis. There’s no doubt that time management and priority setting are crucial activities at this time of year, and my hope is that healthy eating, including packing a healthy lunch for your child, finds its way close to the top of that priority list. I understand that this may be easier to say than to practically achieve. That’s where I come in! In today’s article I will breakdown how to plan out your child’s school lunches in a straightforward manner and give you some great healthy snack ideas to support a balanced diet and productive day for your kids. What does a balanced lunch box look like? As a nutrition professional, I believe your child’s lunch should be comprised of 3 primary components: […]

By |2024-06-24T08:51:13-04:00August 29th, 2017|Nutrition, Pediatric Health, Recipes|Comments Off on Preparing A Balanced Back To School Lunch Box
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