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Important Tips for Cold & Flu Prevention

By Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND This is the time of year that many of my patients ask about cold & flu prevention. With the holidays on the horizon the pace of life, pressure and late nights are increasing, which can increase your chances of getting sick. There is a lot that you can do to help defend yourself from getting sick and if you do get sick, help to lessen the duration and severity of the symptoms. There are two categories to address when it comes to cold’s & flu’s: 1) Prevention is the stage that we keep the immune system strong in order to prevent getting sick. 2) Acute Care is the stage that you have the opportunity to nip it in the bud and avoid a long, drawn-out illness! We begin treatment at the first sign of getting sick. […]

By |2024-06-25T03:39:59-04:00November 14th, 2017|Cold and Flu Season, ND Editorial, Self Care|Comments Off on Important Tips for Cold & Flu Prevention

Cranberry Roasted Chicken Recipe

By Liane Wansbrough, Holistic Nutritionist Cranberries typically make an appearance at the dinner table during the holidays in the form of sauce. Yet the berries, which come packed with great health benefits, can definitely serve as more than just a side dish. In season from September to December, you can find inexpensive fresh or frozen cranberries at most supermarkets. While the berries have lots of vitamin C and fiber, their high polyphenol content can also dial down inflammatory pathways, making them a great addition to any diet. Roasted cranberries add a bright burst of flavour that lends well to meat, poultry, vegetables and salads. Roasting makes use of the entire berry as opposed to cranberry juice, which doesn’t include skin or flesh. […]

By |2024-06-25T03:41:43-04:00November 14th, 2017|Nutrition, Recipes|Comments Off on Cranberry Roasted Chicken Recipe

Blocked Duct Breastfeeding Tips: Relieve Breast Pain and Plugged Ducts

By: Taya Griffin, IBCLC – Taya Griffin is a Toronto Based International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She prepares mothers for their breastfeeding journey in the prenatal period and provides in-home and hospital postpartum blocked duct breastfeeding support. She can be reached at www.tayagriffin.com.The Amazing Breastfeeding BreastThe breastfeeding breast is amazing!  Indications of the first changes it will go through begin as early as weeks into pregnancy. Breasts can feel tender and sore, the areola may darken and the Montgomery tubercles around the areola may become more raised. Many mothers also begin to see a crust-like formation on the nipples. This crusting is a minute amount of colostrum which is seeping out ever so slowly and drying on the tip of the nipple.What Causes Milk Production to Begin?Milk production doesn’t truly begin until the placenta is delivered. The progesterone and estrogen levels drop and milk production begins. After the milk has transitioned from colostrum to more mature milk, in and around the seventy-two-hour mark, one of the most common issues with breastfeeding breasts that I see as a Lactation Consultant (after sore nipples and low milk supply of course!) is blocked ducts. What Are Blocked Milk Ducts?When a mother suffers from blocked ducts milk becomes clogged in the straw-like ducts that bring the milk to the nipple.  The breasts may feel tender and this uncomfortable sensation is also accompanied by a hardness that one can palpate. Sometimes the block can be small like a marble but it may be much larger.When there is a clog or block in the ducts babies may become more fussy. They want all the straws to flow well so they can get their milk quickly! An indication of a blocked duct may [...]

By |2025-03-04T03:46:20-05:00October 17th, 2017|Post Natal Care, Self Care, Women's Wellness|Comments Off on Blocked Duct Breastfeeding Tips: Relieve Breast Pain and Plugged Ducts

Back to School Anxiety

Q & A with Melody Yeung, Registered Psychotherapist and Teacher Back to school brings up a lot of ‘stuff’ for parents and kids. When tackling these thoughts – it can be helpful to get a little help from the experts. We sat down with Registered Psychotherapist & School Teacher, Melody Yeung to ask how she can help. Melody, what are some of the most common back to school anxieties that children face? It is definitely common to have back-to-school jitters, and from my experience, teachers get it too! It is hard to go back to a structured routine after a relaxing and enjoyable summer. Some of the most common back-to-school anxieties include: Who will be my teacher? Will my new teacher be nice? Will my friends be in my class? Will anyone be my friend? Will I fit in? Are my clothes cool enough? What if something bad happens to mom and dad when I’m at school? […]

By |2024-08-28T03:51:32-04:00August 29th, 2017|Innate Wisdom Practitioner Q&A, Pediatric Health|Comments Off on Back to School Anxiety

Preparing A Balanced Back To School Lunch Box

By Andy Di Santis, Registered Dietician The start of the school year can be a hectic time for families. Between pick-ups, drop offs, homework and extracurricular activities, you could hardly be blamed for being crunched for time on a regular basis. There’s no doubt that time management and priority setting are crucial activities at this time of year, and my hope is that healthy eating, including packing a healthy lunch for your child, finds its way close to the top of that priority list. I understand that this may be easier to say than to practically achieve. That’s where I come in! In today’s article I will breakdown how to plan out your child’s school lunches in a straightforward manner and give you some great healthy snack ideas to support a balanced diet and productive day for your kids. What does a balanced lunch box look like? As a nutrition professional, I believe your child’s lunch should be comprised of 3 primary components: […]

By |2024-06-24T08:51:13-04:00August 29th, 2017|Nutrition, Pediatric Health, Recipes|Comments Off on Preparing A Balanced Back To School Lunch Box

What is Bioresonance?

MORA Nova – Bioresonance Therapy Bioresonance therapy is designed to activate the body’s ability to regulate and heal itself by treating imbalances caused by irritants, toxins, pathogens and environmental pollutants. Conceived of and developed in Germany, the Mora NovaTM is one of the world’s leading devices in providing bioresonance treatments. Initially the Mora NovaTM is used to evaluate an individual’s frequency patterns in the form of oscillations (electromagnetic waves). Those patterns are then compared with the harmonious patterns stored within the Mora’s database. When frequency patterns within the body are determined to be stressed or unhealthy (typically by causing allergies, food intolerances and other imbalances) the Mora Nova delivers individualized therapies to treat and invert the harmful frequencies until healthy patterns are restored. The therapy can reduce imbalances and help the body to recover. It can also be used to help identify and prevent problems proactively, before imbalances occur or advance. […]

By |2024-08-28T03:51:05-04:00July 11th, 2017|MORA Treatment|Comments Off on What is Bioresonance?

Weight Loss with Acupuncture & Cupping

Interview with Xianmin, Registered Acupuncturist The summer is a perfect time to begin a weight loss program due to the abundance of fresh healthy food and longer days which aid in the regulation of metabolism. Naturopathic weight loss protocols often involve acupuncture and cupping. But why? Acupuncture can be a great technique to reduce feelings of hunger and relieve stress. Cupping helps to reduce stagnation in the tissue and works on the level of cellulite. This month we asked Innate Wellness Acupuncturist, Xian Min about the details of his weight loss program. To learn more about how acupuncture and cupping might work for you, book a free 15 minute consult with Xianmin.  […]

By |2024-06-13T02:54:25-04:00July 11th, 2017|Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, Weight Loss|Comments Off on Weight Loss with Acupuncture & Cupping

The Myths of Social Work and Psychotherapy

By Lindsey Danisch, RSW and provider of psychotherapy Myth: Only crazy people or people with severe issues receive psychotherapy. Everyday, people seek therapy for a range of reasons. Some pursue psychotherapy for treatment of anxiety or depression. But others want help coping with life stressors or transitions like martial strain or separation, parenting challenges, the loss of a job, stress management or conflict at work. Others may need help managing and balancing work and family responsibilities, coping with an aging parent, or improving relationship skills. By learning problem solving skills and coping strategies, anyone (young and old) can benefit from psychotherapy. I work with both adults, teens and children. […]

By |2024-06-21T03:15:58-04:00April 20th, 2017|Mental Clarity, Mind Body Medicine, Self Care|Comments Off on The Myths of Social Work and Psychotherapy

The Myths of Physical Fitness

By Dr. Jonathan Cartile, DC There are many confusing ideas around physical fitness & health. These are the 4 most common misconceptions that come up in my chiropractic practice. Myth #1 – Sit ups and crunches are needed for strong abdominal muscles. Research from the U.S military has shown an increase in lumbar disc injury from regular abdominal crunches and sit ups. They have changed their basic training regime to cut out the more traditional abdominal exercises for plank and core exercises. The Canadian military and U.S navy are also following suit to reduce injury. […]

By |2024-06-14T03:16:30-04:00April 18th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Myths of Physical Fitness

Homeopathic Travel Guide

By: Quinn McCutcheon, Student practitioner at the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine in Toronto. Homeopathic remedies are natural, safe and effective for the whole family. As we are all unique, it is important to understand how to select which remedy is best for each individual. The chart below is a quick and helpful tool to reference symptoms to the remedy. This will help to better ensure fast and effective results. If there is improvement after two to three doses of a remedy, do not re-dose unless there is reoccurrence of symptoms. However, if there is no improvement after two doses, reassess the symptoms and try a different remedy. […]

By |2024-09-26T07:29:31-04:00March 7th, 2017|Homeopathy|Comments Off on Homeopathic Travel Guide
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