Tips to keep you VITAL and WARM through the winter!

with Dr. Angelina Riopel & Dr. Kathleen Regan Winter is upon us, and all that comes with it…  Beautiful snowy days, winter sports, and cozy evenings by the fire but also, shorter days, dry cold air and cravings for richer comfort foods.   The change of seasons is always a time to reflect and attempt to get in sync with nature and support and prepare yourself, mind and body, for the changes that are to come. Start now with these simple tips from our naturopathic experts to support you inside & out this winter. […]

By |2024-06-21T03:24:57-04:00November 25th, 2014|Cold and Flu Season, Self Care|Comments Off on Tips to keep you VITAL and WARM through the winter!

Ginger and Cinnamon Winter Tonic – Recipe + Health Benefits

By: Andrea Sarjeant, CNP Here’s a great recipe for a winter tonic that will warm you up wherever you take it! If you read Dr. Kathleen’s last post, you know that plenty of warming and immune boosting spices already live in your kitchen cupboard. Here’s a recipe for a steeped tea that you can make with simple ingredients. It will keep you warm and healthy during this cold weather: Ginger is a peripheral circulatory stimulant, which means that it’s great for people with cold hands or feet. Adding ginger to your food or sipping on ginger tea can even increase nutrient absorption. Cinnamon is a warming spice that will help to keep you from getting sick, thanks to its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. And cinnamon can help to boost your mood. Ancient folklore says that the smell of cinnamon helps to ward off the winter blues. Ginger and Cinnamon Winter Tonic In a large mason jar or teapot, combine: 1” piece of ginger, sliced (peel it if it’s not organic) 1 cinnamon stick Honey, maple syrup or stevia to taste (although I don’t find that it needs it) Cover with boiling water and allow to steep until cool enough to drink. You can continue to top up with boiling water for several steeps. Enjoy!

By |2024-06-19T03:07:31-04:00February 3rd, 2014|Cold and Flu Season, Nutrition, Recipes|Comments Off on Ginger and Cinnamon Winter Tonic – Recipe + Health Benefits

Baby… It’s Cold Outside! Try these herbs and spices to stay warm…

By Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND 1. Cardamom: You may know the taste of cardamom from chai tea. It is a member of the ginger family long used as a warming stimulant. It is specific for damp weather. Grab a chai tea to start your day off on a warm note. 2. Cayenne: Hot, hot, hot! This spicy herb can be added to curries, stews or soups. It will increase circulation and facilitate the flow of blood to the hands and feet… keeping you warm. It is also excellent at fighting sore throats, colds and chest infections. But a caution – too much cayenne can cause sweating which will cool you down in the long-run. It is no surprise that this plant is native to the hotter climate of Central America. 3. Cinnamon: This sweet spice helps with tiredness, chilliness and poor immunity. A great herb to be using all winter long – it also helps to balance blood sugar and fight depression. Add this to your morning oatmeal or smoothie. 4. Fennel: Mildly warming but easily accessible and excellent taste. Fennel is not as strong as ginger but can still help to keep you on the warm side. It also helps to heal stubborn cases of bronchitis and chest infection that are common in the winter. 5. Ginger: Warming and Stimulating, the fresh root of ginger is suited to people who feel chilly. Add this to your soup or tea. Ginger can also help to calm an upset stomach – bonus! Additional Tips: Remember the winter is a time for warming and well-cooked foods such as spiced oatmeal, soups, stews and curries. A surplus of raw food, cooling juices or fresh salads will cool you down. [...]

By |2024-06-26T07:16:38-04:00January 8th, 2014|Cold and Flu Season, Nutrition, Recipes|Comments Off on Baby… It’s Cold Outside! Try these herbs and spices to stay warm…

The Common Cold – Fact and Fiction

By Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND   FICTION #1 “I NEVER catch a cold. Obviously I’m healthy!” FACT # 1 Unfortunately this is not the case.  Never catching a cold often means that your immune system is over-burdened and unable to respond. A healthy immune system will be able to put up a good fight when exposed to a virus. 1-3 colds per year is healthy and it should take approximately 3-5 days to recover. Longer recovery times and more frequent illness can also be a sign of a depleted immune system. […]

By |2024-06-24T08:31:39-04:00November 14th, 2013|Cold and Flu Season|Comments Off on The Common Cold – Fact and Fiction

Natural Remedies for Acute Coughs

In our house, weʼre just going through our first family cough of the season. And as the elder kid hacks, she says, “Ha, take that, virus! Get out!” Apparently sheʼs actually been listening to me all along. Coughs, as you may know, are our bodiesʼ way of moving a virus / bacteria / fungus / pollen / foreign body out of our airways. As we cough, air if forced out and along with it, any intruder that might be causing trouble. Add some mucus to trap that intruder, and itʼs an ingenious system to expel pathogens. That all said, coughs can be uncomfortable and shouldnʼt last beyond 7 -10 days. There are many wonderful naturopathic therapies to help soothe a coughing airway and support your body to purge the germs causing the illness. Good to know since pharmaceutical cough medicines are no longer recommended for children under the age of 12. And the puffers recommended for coughs are pretty heavy duty. Great to have them if necessary, but even better to help the body do the work, itself. Here are a few natural cough helpers: Honey Soothing for the throat, it actually contains antimicrobial properties to help kill germs. Conventional medicine has been studying honey recently and the conclusions have been that it is an effective medicine for coughs. Local honey that is not highly processed is best. Add it to a warm water with lemon, herbal tea or warm rice milk with a little organic cocoa to entice a sick kid to drink it up. Babies under 1 year old should not have honey. Mullein I love this herb. It soothes irritated mucus membranes (the lining of airways) and helps spasms of coughing. It [...]

By |2024-06-21T03:04:48-04:00September 25th, 2013|Cold and Flu Season, Pediatric Health|Comments Off on Natural Remedies for Acute Coughs
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