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Foods That Make You Smell!

By Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND While some meals leave you glowing, others have the power to transform your aroma in ways you might not expect. Ever caught yourself wondering, “Why do I suddenly smell… different?” Turns out, your meals might be the culprit behind this unexpected transformation. Foods can make you smell due to the unique compounds they release when they’re digested or metabolized by your body. Some foods contain sulfur, like garlic, onions, and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage), which, when broken down, produce sulfur containing gases. These gases can then be released through your skin or breath, giving you a novel odour. Spicy foods like curry or chilli can stimulate your sweat glands, making your body release more sweat, which can carry the pungent aromas with it. Foods high in certain acids, like coffee, can also affect your scent by altering the balance of bacteria on your skin or in your mouth. Even foods rich in strong flavors, like fish or cheese, can create compounds that seep through your pores, leaving you with a fragrance that sticks around longer than expected! In some cases, the scent can also be tied to how your body is detoxifying. You will notice that some of the foods on this list below are considered medicinal foods and can even be found in the ingredient list of some natural supplements. Foods with active phytochemicals (medicinal properties) are more likely to cause changes in your body scent. If you are noticing a change in how you smell, take a look through the list below to see if one of these foods may be contributing. Make sure to check the label on any supplements you take! […]

By |2025-03-07T14:11:31-05:00March 7th, 2025|Naturopathic Medicine, Nutrition|Comments Off on Foods That Make You Smell!

Healing Green Soup

By Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND Sounds delicious, doesn’t it?!! Green soup made with bone broth and puréed vegetables is a powerhouse for gut health, recovery, and overall wellness. Here’s why: 1. Supports Muscle Recovery & Joint Health Bone broth is rich in collagen, gelatin, and amino acids (glycine, proline, glutamine) that: • Help repair muscles and tendons after workouts. • Reduce joint pain and inflammation. • Improve skin elasticity and hydration. […]

By |2025-03-07T14:08:18-05:00March 7th, 2025|Cold and Flu Season, Detoxification/Cleanse, Digestion, Naturopathic Medicine, Nutrition, Recipes|Comments Off on Healing Green Soup

Therapeutic Cupping for Back Pain

By Louise Smith, R.Ac Back pain is a common physical complaint seen by many Healthcare Practitioners. From upper back, neck and shoulder tension, to mid and low back aches and pains, or sciatica, the back is one of the most notable regions of the body for receiving different types of therapies and medical attention. Whether the cause of pain is due to physical stress, mental or emotional stress, all can have a negative impact on the health of your back and overall well-being. Therapeutic Cupping is an ancient healing therapy that has been used for thousands of years among many cultures, specifically in Chinese culture. Cupping has long been recognized as a beneficial modality within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and still practiced today by acupuncturists and TCM practitioners. In recent years it has gained more popularity with other healthcare providers, especially for its potential benefits for relieving muscular tension and back pain. […]

By |2025-03-07T14:04:40-05:00March 7th, 2025|Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture|Comments Off on Therapeutic Cupping for Back Pain

Health Benefits of Acupuncture for Lymphatic Drainage

Louise Smith, R.AcPerforming acupuncture for lymphatic drainage offers a natural way to support the lymphatic system, promoting better fluid balance and immune health. The lymphatic system plays an important role in maintaining our overall health and well-being as a component of the circulatory, immune, and metabolic systems. The lymphatic system's main functions are maintaining fluid balance in the body, immunity, and distribution of dietary fats to the bloodstream for metabolism.When the lymphatic system is not functioning optimally, it can become congested, leading to fluid retention or lymphedema, swollen lymph nodes, and compromised immune function, leading to other more serious health issues. Learn more about the lymphatic system here.Acupuncture and Lymphatic HealthAcupuncture is an ancient healing method rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has been practiced for thousands of years. Its purpose is to restore balance and harmony to the body’s energy flow, known as Qi (Chi). The Qi flows along energetic pathways called meridians located throughout the body, connecting the skin's surface to the deeper tissue layers and organs. There are twelve regular meridians, each related to a specific organ, and half correspond to Yin energy and half to Yang energy. The meridians are connected and work together to create balance. When an organ or meridian is out of balance, either excess or deficient energy, this is when we see disharmony in the body and symptoms appear.By stimulating the Qi at specific points along the meridians associated with the lymphatic system, acupuncture will activate the body’s natural healing mechanisms and promote lymphatic health.Benefits of Acupuncture for Lymphatic Flow Lymphatic Drainage: By activating the body’s energy flow (Qi), acupuncture promotes the movement of the lymphatic fluids, aiding in the elimination of toxins and waste products from [...]

By |2024-08-16T05:11:31-04:00June 6th, 2024|Acupuncture, Lymphatic Drainage|Comments Off on Health Benefits of Acupuncture for Lymphatic Drainage

What is Lymphatic Drainage?

By Kathleen Regan, ND”What is lymphatic drainage?” This therapy has become a popular part of natural treatments and is mentioned for health promotion, detoxification, digestion, fluid retention, immune dysfunction, injury support and chronic pain. Treatments that may stimulate lymphatic drainage range from herbal supports to self-care routines to manual therapies like lymphatic drainage massage.  But what is the lymphatic system and why is it important?The lymphatic system consists of a network of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and lymphatic organs such as the spleen and thymus. It helps to defend the body against infections, maintains fluid balance by returning excess fluid from tissues to the bloodstream, and assists in the absorption of fats from the digestive system. […]

By |2024-07-09T02:54:33-04:00May 30th, 2024|Lymphatic Drainage|Comments Off on What is Lymphatic Drainage?

Acupressure Points for Detoxification

By Kathleen Regan, NDAcupressure points for detoxification can be a valuable tool for supporting the body’s natural cleansing processes year-round. Spring is a natural time for detoxification. The warming weather provides a supportive environment to detoxify without putting too much strain on the body. The natural warmth in the spring/summer environment supports the organs of detoxification, especially the digestive system and kidneys, which are most sensitive to cold temperatures. Detoxification in the spring and summer rather than the winter prevents injury to these systems according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory.Acupressure, a TCM technique involving the application of pressure to specific points on the body, can be particularly beneficial for regulating the flow of qi (vital energy) and promoting the elimination of toxins and waste products. By targeting acupressure points associated with detoxification, such as those on the hands, feet, and legs, you can support your body’s natural ability to cleanse itself of harmful substances. Acupressure massage and stimulating these pressure points can help flush out toxins, aid in liver detoxification, and improve overall well-being.In addition to acupressure, other TCM modalities like acupuncture and cupping can also be incorporated into a comprehensive detoxification program. These therapies work to balance the body’s energy, reduce inflammation, and enhance the function of the detoxifying organs. When combined with a healthy diet, proper hydration, and other lifestyle changes, acupressure and related TCM practices can be a powerful way to naturally detoxify and revitalize your body. […]

By |2024-07-09T03:06:24-04:00May 7th, 2024|Acupuncture, Detoxification/Cleanse, Energy Medicine|Comments Off on Acupressure Points for Detoxification

The Benefits of Cupping Therapy

By Elizabeth John, RMTThe benefits of cupping therapy are numerous, as this ancient healing method is used to ease back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other issues. Cupping therapy uses suction to pull on your skin and increase blood flow to the affected area. It can ease scar tissue deep within muscles and connective tissues, and reduce swelling and muscle knots.Types of CuppingTwo popular types of cupping are: stationary and sliding. Stationary cupping therapy uses suction only, keeping the cups in place for a set time, usually 5 to 10 minutes. Sliding cupping therapy is a traditional therapy that has been used for centuries to manage pain and promote relaxation. This therapy involves applying suction cups to the skin, which are subsequently moved around the body to promote blood flow and relieve muscle tension. Sliding cupping is more like a deep tissue massage where the provider moves the cups over the area of pain or concern. […]

By |2024-06-07T10:04:17-04:00April 30th, 2024|Acupuncture, Detoxification/Cleanse, Massage Therapy, Pain and Fatigue, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture|Comments Off on The Benefits of Cupping Therapy

Experience Sound Therapy with HIBIKI Music Boxes

By Etsuko Ikeda, Reiki MasterHarnessing Natural Sound Frequencies for HealingSound therapy with HIBIKI music boxes, harnesses specific sound frequencies to positively influence brainwave activity and promote mental and physical well-being. In the natural world, there are ultra-high and low-frequency sounds that have a strong influence on the brainstem and hypothalamus, which are the life centers, and promote natural healing in humans, animals, and even plants. By using sound waves produced by instruments such as Tibetan bowls and tuning forks, these therapy sessions effectively address the need for relaxation and mental clarity. Sessions leverage the unique properties of sound vibrations to immerse the body and mind in a deeply soothing experience, beginning with the gentle resonances that harmonize with your natural rhythms to induce calm and recovery.What is the HIBIKI?HIBIKI is a sound or voice that can be heard by the ear, expressed in units of hertz. The frequencies that can be heard by the human ear are generally said to be approximately 20 to 20,000 hertz – this is called the audible range. The higher the frequency, the higher the sound is perceived by the human ear.Functions of our Hypothalamus and BrainstemThe HypothalamusThe hypothalamus is in the diencephalon at the deepest part of the brain. It is an extremely important region that regulates body temperature, appetite, sleep, and water and salt levels in the body. It also works with the nearby hippocampus to regulate memory and consciousness.The BrainstemThe brainstem consists of the midbrain, pons, and diencephalon. It directly controls autonomic functions essential for survival, such as breathing, heartbeat, and digestive body temperature regulation. It also controls the functions of regulating sleep, wakefulness levels, posture, and movement. For maintaining and recovering health, the brainstem is essential.Inaudible [...]

By |2024-05-13T03:21:10-04:00April 2nd, 2024|Energy Medicine, Mind Body Medicine|Comments Off on Experience Sound Therapy with HIBIKI Music Boxes

Smoking Cessation Treatment: Quit Smoking with MORA BioResonance

BioResonance therapy was invented in Germany and is used in many countries worldwide for therapies like smoking cessation. It has been found to be highly effective in treating ailments, such as allergies, skin problems, chemical and heavy metal toxicity, and other conditions including nicotine addiction. It has been used successfully in helping individuals quit smoking, with dramatic results after a maximum of three treatments, but often one treatment is enough.Therapy for Smoking Cessation: How MORA BioResonance Helps You Quit SmokingUsing MORA BioResonance therapy, the frequency pattern of nicotine in the body is inverted back to the body. This produces what is called a phase cancellation and helps the body to dispense with the memory of nicotine and return to its original state prior to addiction. As a result, the body’s detoxification system is stimulated to eliminate nicotine and the associated cigarette toxins through the kidneys and skin. Using BioResonance therapy medications or treatments to stop smoking reduces the urge to smoke as well as the physical cravings, as it cancels the nicotine’s hold on your body. It is a painless therapy, and BioResonance therapy medication is safe and effective. Some people feel a slight tingling, but most feel no sensation during the treatment. You will be given MORA Drops that contain the therapy information to support you in the weeks following your treatment. There are also counselling and psychotherapy available as required. What are the Benefits of Quitting Smoking?The benefits of quitting smoking extend far beyond the immediate effects on your lungs. By reducing your exposure to tobacco smoking, you decrease the likelihood of developing chronic respiratory diseases, high blood pressure, and even cancer. MORA BioResonance therapy, combined with a well-structured treatment plan, can help manage [...]

By |2024-11-13T04:56:24-05:00February 15th, 2023|MORA Treatment|Comments Off on Smoking Cessation Treatment: Quit Smoking with MORA BioResonance

Why Choose a Naturopathic Doctor?

Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) are healthcare providers that use natural remedies to support healing and wellness. So, why choose a naturopathic doctor? All licensed NDs in Ontario, including our team of licensed naturopathic doctors, must complete a minimum of three years of university-level training, including pre-medical courses, and four years at an accredited naturopathic medical program. The foundation of naturopathic medicine training is rooted in health sciences, while the therapies include clinical nutrition, supplementation, herbal medicine, acupuncture, and lifestyle counselling. Benefits of a Naturopathic Doctor for Your Health and Well-BeingHere are the top 4 reasons why you might choose to see a Naturopathic Medicine Doctor. Comprehensive ConsultationsYou are looking for more time to discuss your health concerns in depth with a trained healthcare practitioner. Naturopathic medical doctor visits range in length, but the average appointment time is 45-60 minutes. This allows you to discuss your health concerns at length without feeling like you have to rush and possibly leave something important out of the discussion. The benefits of seeing a naturopath include having a thorough understanding of your health history and current conditions, which is essential for providing individualized care. Holistic ApproachYou are wondering if different types of symptoms may be connected. As holistic practitioners, naturopathic doctors consider all of your health concerns as part of a larger pattern or picture. No matter how seemingly unconnected your symptoms might seem, your ND would like to hear about each concern. A doctor of naturopathy will further explore the details and timing of your concerns in the context of your health history and look to see if there is a common thread. NDs believe in treating the ‘root cause’ and thereby addressing all of the different ‘branches’ or symptoms. [...]

By |2024-06-10T02:19:08-04:00February 8th, 2023|Naturopathic Medicine|Comments Off on Why Choose a Naturopathic Doctor?
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