Back-To-School ‘Herbal Chill’ Tea

By Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND   Going back to school can be a stressful time for kids. Sometimes kids are open about expressing their worries and sometimes their anxieties come out in physical ways like itchy skin, tummy aches, headaches, bad dreams and restlessness. Calming herbs can go a long way to alleviate anxieties. Tea is a great way to provide this ‘herbal chill’. Your little tea enthusiast can drink it hot or for those kids not so fond of tea – it can be added to juice or smoothies. This herbal recipe can be compounded on special request at Innate Wellness or by your local naturopath/herbalist. Ingredients 1 Part Chamomile 1 Part Catnip 1 Part Lemon Balm […]

By |2024-04-18T10:03:18-04:00August 30th, 2016|Mental Clarity, Pediatric Health, Recipes, Self Care|Comments Off on Back-To-School ‘Herbal Chill’ Tea

Cupping Therapy in Athletic Recovery

By Dr. Kathleen Regan ND   Cupping therapy is an ancient treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has been practiced for thousands of years. This involves using glass cups and heat to create suction on the skin or by using modern plastic or glass cups with a pump to create suction on the skin. This technique creates read, circular markings that can last hours to days. Cupping has recently gained media attention due to the number of cupping marks seen on athletes in the 2016 Rio Olympics. Which is great because cupping is AMAZING for athletes. […]

By |2024-09-26T07:22:52-04:00August 9th, 2016|Pain and Fatigue, Self Care, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture|Comments Off on Cupping Therapy in Athletic Recovery

Announcement: Notice of Rate Change

Dear Patients, Innate Wellness Annex and High Park will be increasing service rates starting September 1, 2016. It has been 4 years since our last rate change and we decided as a team that it was time. Please see below for the following changes for Chiropractic Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine and Registered Massage Therapy. Chiropractic Medicine:  Initial Visit: $100 Follow-up Visit: $50 Naturopathic Medicine:  Initial Visit: $225 1 Hour Visit: $175 45 Min Visit: $150 30 Min Visit: $125 15 Min Visit: $65 ND Acupuncture: $90 ND Cranial Sacral Visit: $130 Registered Massage Therapy: 30 Min Visit: $55 45 Min Visit: $75 60 Min Visit: $90 75 Min Visit: $110 90 Min Visit: $130

By |2024-06-13T02:46:56-04:00July 13th, 2016|Announcements|Comments Off on Announcement: Notice of Rate Change

Take Me Out to the Dog Park!

By Lindsey Danisch, MSW, RSW, Provider of Psychotherapy & Consulting Dating Expert   It might sound crazy, but spending time at a dog park, might truly be the best “club” for the singles scene. Whether you have your own, borrow a friend’s, or are just thinking about getting a dog one day and doing research, the dog park could be your next singles hot spot. Hey, it worked for John Cusack and Diane Lane in Must Love Dogs, so why can’t it work for you?! One of the hardest parts about meeting a mate is both finding other singletons, but also starting a conversation. The dog park acts like a buffer and helper for two main reasons: props and purpose. […]

By |2024-06-13T02:48:26-04:00July 12th, 2016|Dating|Comments Off on Take Me Out to the Dog Park!

Meet the Massage Therapist!

At Innate Wellness we have 4 different massage therapists with 4 different styles. We decided to sit down and ask our therapists about their top techniques in practice. Still not sure which RMT is the right fit for you? Visit their bios or call our front desk staff to inquire (416-760-9424).  Emily Carr-Locke, RMT   Q: You take an intuitive and gentle approach to massage. Is there a patient population that you think your massage style works with best? A: I have been told that I have a very intuitive touch. I have had many different patients with different health presentations tell me that I really ‘found the right spots’ and helped to relieve an ongoing issue or trigger point that no one else had been able to find. I am able to provide a deep, focused, and relieving treatment which can help patients with frozen shoulder, decreased range of motion, injuries, as well as general aches and pains caused by posture, stress, or physical restrictions. I also have many patients with chronic pain disorders such as fibromyalgia or chronic stress/anxiety who need a varied treatment with different goals, techniques, focus, and awareness. […]

By |2024-06-12T02:54:03-04:00July 12th, 2016|Innate Wisdom Practitioner Q&A, Massage Therapy|Comments Off on Meet the Massage Therapist!

Sports Medicine & Injury Prevention

Q&A with Dr. Jonathan Cartile, DC It’s official! The warm weather has arrived and with it naturally comes more running, swimming biking and outdoor sports. Injuries can be common especially as people are getting ramped up for summer training schedules. In this month’s Q&A Dr. Jon shares his top tips for building fitness and staying injury free all summer long! Dr. Jonathan Cartile, DC You have worked a fair amount with fitness from the average person to the athlete. Do you have any general recommendations for those beginning a new fitness program?  […]

By |2024-06-19T03:26:03-04:00June 6th, 2016|Innate Wisdom Practitioner Q&A, Pain and Fatigue|Comments Off on Sports Medicine & Injury Prevention

Fitness, Nutrition & the Menstrual Cycle

By Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND When it comes to fitness and nutrition, women have different needs than men. Fitness-based nutrition programs & training schedules have long assumed that men and women are the same. Modern research has taught us that there are important differences between the sexes and understanding our uniqueness can help maximize female performance. Female body composition is naturally higher in fat. The upside is that women use fat as their primary energy source. Women use dietary fats more efficiently than men but tend to lose fat less readily. How is that fair?! Estrogen seems to play a large role in this paradox. It has been shown that estrogen enhances fat use during exercise BUT reduces a woman’s ability to burn fat as energy after eating. Therefore, women may be better off to consume food before exercise but avoid food for 90 minutes after exercise to allow for the body to reach the maximum benefits of exercise induced fat burning. Women’s bodies tend not to burn carbohydrates as fuel until they reach very high levels of exercise intensity (~80-85% max effort). Carbohydrate loading may not be appropriate for the female fitness routine unless she is training at max effort (80-85% VO2max). If a woman is carbohydrate loading during moderate exercise she may not utilize this macronutrient. Worse, these unused carbs are ultimately converted and stored as fat. Therefore, unless a woman is training at a regular high intensity, she will benefit from keeping carbohydrates more moderate or approximately 30% of daily nutrient intake. The menstrual cycle and hormonal fluctuations women experience throughout the month influence their physical response to training as well as their metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. [...]

By |2024-06-13T03:01:40-04:00June 6th, 2016|ND Editorial, Nutrition, Pain and Fatigue|Comments Off on Fitness, Nutrition & the Menstrual Cycle

Bio Resonance Cellulite Therapy Package

Cellulite Therapy with Bio Resonance   We are pleased to announce Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND now offers a non-invasive, pain-free cellulite therapy. Bioresonance is a non-invasive, pain-free therapy that uses electromagnetic frequencies to balance and detoxify the body.   The therapy addresses cellulite locally by improving detoxification, blood and lymphatic flow locally, improving circulation and reducing water retention. Collagen, the structural element of the skin, is strengthened and the skin becomes more smooth, firm and toned. There is also systemic improvement of circulation and lymphatic flow, as well as hormonal regulation. […]

By |2024-06-13T02:59:27-04:00April 27th, 2016|Announcements, Detoxification/Cleanse, Weight Loss|Comments Off on Bio Resonance Cellulite Therapy Package

Healthy Weight Loss

By Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND   Weight loss is a big business. It is confusing and we have been sold the idea of quick fix, dramatic weight-loss that is often not healthy nor sustainable.   Unfortunately this often leads to yo-yo dieting, dramatic weight-loss then the inevitable weight gain, and do it all over again.   So what is a healthy diet? How does one achieve a healthy weight? […]

By |2024-10-23T08:13:18-04:00April 27th, 2016|Digestion, ND Editorial, Nutrition|Comments Off on Healthy Weight Loss

A Holistic Approach to Cellulite

By Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND   It is estimated that approximately 90% of females over the age of 35 have been have some degree of cellulite. It does not just affect those that are over-weight, although excess body fat can make the appearance of cellulite worse. Many factors influence the development of cellulite. Female anatomy, hormones, blood and lymphatic circulation, diet and lifestyle factors all contribute to the formation and appearance of cellulite. Contributing factors to cellulite formation and appearance: 1. Hormonal stimulation of fat cells, primarily by estrogen. Estrogen stimulates fat cell production and growth and fat cells make estrogen – its a vicious cycle. Exposure to environmental toxins and sub-optimal detoxification by the liver can lead to a build up estrogens, which is termed ‘estrogen dominance’. Environmental exposure of estrogens is significant. ‘Xenoestrogens’ are a sub-category of chemicals called endocrine disruptors, which are known to alter the normal function of our hormones. Sources include plastic – bottled water and any food sold and prepared in plastic should be avoided. Skin care and beauty products, insecticides sprays, and many other products contain endocrine disrupting chemicals. The Environmental Working Group provides a comprehensive database of environmental toxin sources. ( Estrogen metabolism happens primarily in the liver. The liver breaks down estrogen, along with many other substances, so they can be eliminated by the body. When the liver is over-burdened or sluggish, estrogens are not efficiently eliminated from the body. Our primary goals are: Decrease exposure to environmental toxins Keep liver function efficient. Consume plenty of green leafy vegetables, bitter greens and herbal bitters. The bitter flavor stimulates the livers production of bile improving digestion and releasing toxins through the bile. Balance estrogen levels. Consumption of [...]

By |2024-06-26T07:21:58-04:00April 6th, 2016|ND Editorial|Comments Off on A Holistic Approach to Cellulite
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