Stomach Healing Holiday Recipe

With Liane Wansbrough, CNP Looking for a digestible recipe for your holiday potluck party? This delicious salad is warm and filling like a gratin but without the cheese hangover. Not to mention, the nutrients in this recipe are great stomach healers. The rich zinc content in pumpkin helps to heal the stomach lining. Garlic, natures’s great natural antibiotic, helps to combat bacterial overgrowth. While all-spice contains herbs which warm and strengthen digestion. If chickpeas give you gas, substitute with 1 cup of soaked and peeled almonds.  […]

By |2024-06-14T03:17:10-04:00December 8th, 2015|Nutrition, Recipes|Comments Off on Stomach Healing Holiday Recipe

The Language of Skin

by Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND   WHAT IS YOUR SKIN TELLING YOU? Skin concerns are often addressed topically with anti-aging creams for wrinkle, steroid creams for eczema and rashes and clear skin products for acne. What we put on our skin can be helpful, but is often only a small part of the equation. Digging a bit deeper, what’s actually going on? Your skin tells the story.  OILY SKIN is often dehydrated or your cleanser may be stripping your skin causing an overproduction of oil. SOLUTION: Keep hydrated, drink more water, herbals teas, avoid sugar and caffeinated drinks. Assess your skin care regime. Soap-based or foaming cleansers should be switched for a more gentle, cream-based cleanser. Remember oil removes oil, and won’t dry the skin out.  ACNE-PRONE SKIN may in fact be due to liver congestion and constipation. SOLUTION: Healthy digestion and elimination are essential to clear skin. Encouraging regular bowel movements by keeping hydrated, increasing fiber, fruit and vegetables and avoiding sugar. Liver congestion is often behind the constipation that causes acne- prone skin. Stimulate the liver with lemon water, bitter green salads and dandelion tea.  DARK CIRCLES under the eyes can often be a sign of allergies, or “allergic shiners”. SOLUTION: Diet and digestion should be assessed. Food sensitivity testing or elimination diets can identify the offending foods. Removing those foods will help to resolve the dark circles.  ACNE ROSACEA may be due to a candida over-growth. Rosacea often accompanies other symptoms such as digestive complaints, brain fog, sugar cravings and low energy. SOLUTION: Treat the candida over-growth. This is typically done with a combination of dietary changes and herbal medicine.  PREMATURE AGING, such as fine lines, dryness and discoloration can be due [...]

By |2024-09-26T07:29:09-04:00November 12th, 2015|Skin Hair & Nails|Comments Off on The Language of Skin

NEW at Innate! Holistic Facials with Elodie Beauty

We are very excited to announce a NEW service at Innate Wellness – Holistic Facials – with Seanna Cohen of Elodie Beauty. This is a perfect pairing with our Naturopathic Holistic Skin Consultations and Cosmetic Acupuncture. In fact, it is such a perfect pairing that we are offering a special Holiday Holistic Skin Care Package. About Our Holistic Facial Expert, Seanna Cohen:  Seanna Cohen NEW at Innate Wellness When Seanna pictured her ideal place to work, she envisioned a space where health and wellness was at the foreground. She wanted to be in place that was welcoming and approachable, where a community of like-minded individuals work together to inspire healthy and vibrant humans. That’s what she found at Innate Wellness and she is so happy to be promoting a ‘new face of skincare’ in a holistic space, where beauty begins from within.  Seanna’s philosophy on skincare is simple: use plant-based ingredients, choose solutions that are easy to maintain, and treat the skin holistically. […]

By |2024-06-14T03:12:30-04:00November 12th, 2015|Announcements, Self Care, Skin Hair & Nails|Comments Off on NEW at Innate! Holistic Facials with Elodie Beauty

A Traditional Approach to Winter Wellness

by Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND The change of seasons requires a conscious shift in how eat and care for ourselves in order to support vitality, immunity, metabolism and digestion. As we move from autumn to winter this is even more essential for individuals with colder constitutions and weak digestive systems. Improve Circulation Support Digestion Keep Your Wind Gate Covered Support Your Kidneys […]

By |2024-06-14T03:11:26-04:00November 12th, 2015|Cold and Flu Season, Self Care|Comments Off on A Traditional Approach to Winter Wellness

Kids & Chiropractic

By Dr. Jonathan Cartile, DC Through my career I have had people ask me if I treat kids with chiropractic. The answer is YES. They have a nervous system just like adults, They have a skeletal system that is on the path to being just like an adults. Chiropractic treatment in children can be beneficial for a range of conditions including frequent ear infections, colic, constipation, nervous system issues, growing pains, growth issues, scoliosis, birthing trauma and sports injuries. Treating these issues in childhood helps to promote healthy growth that will affect kids into adulthood. The birth process is one that is very hard and physical on both the mother and baby. Very often, this is when nervous system and skeletal issues start. The upper neck is at high risk of strain from the compression and pulling that are so common in modern births. As the spine develops and children start to weight-bear the stresses on the spine begin to change. How that body adapts to that change can have long lasting effects. Chiropractic treatment in kids is where I feel I can make the most impact in their lives. They are still growing and developing, so when we get proper alignment and nervous system function we remove potential barriers for growth. With treatment, the results are quick and they last for much longer in kids than adults. Interestingly, I have found over the years that kids are starting to fall into the same traps as adults now more than ever. Being a kid use to be about playing outside and in sport. Now kids are more happy being on a smart phone or video game. These long periods of sedentary activities are similar to [...]

By |2024-06-25T04:33:19-04:00October 6th, 2015|Chiropractic Medicine, Pediatric Health|Comments Off on Kids & Chiropractic

Herpes 101: Prevent & Treat Breakouts Naturally

By Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND Did you know that herpes can be worse in the winter? We are talking about both types of herpes - oral & genital. The cold weather places a big burden on the immune system which allows the herpes virus to thrive. The herpes virus lives in the nervous system where it hides from the immune system. But when our immune guard is down (during long, cold winters), the virus emerges. The best way to treat herpes naturally is by supporting the immune system. This will prevent the need for conventional medications during acute breakouts. Below is a summary of up-to-date facts on the virus, dietary tips, as well as chronic & acute naturopathic treatments for the herpes virus.   Herpes FACTS Roughly62% of adolescents are infected with HSV-1 (Oral Herpes) Roughly 25% of the population test positive for HSV-2 (Genital Herpes) Only 10-20% of individuals who test positive by blood have actually had lesions (That means many people don't know they have the virus!) The first episode is usually the most severe and can involve lethargy, fever, headache and swollen glands (especially in the groin) Once exposed the virus will typically take 3-5 days to cause an outbreak (Although, the virus can incubate for much longer) Re-occurring infections are typically less severe The virus incubates in the nervous system where it lives until it is periodically reactivated The virus can 'shed' meaning that it can be transmitted from one person to another even when symptoms aren’t present (this is in 5-10% of infected individuals) The most serious complication from HSV-2 (Genital Herpes) is transmission from mother to her newborn child where the virus is most dangerous (this is often avoided with [...]

By |2024-06-25T04:27:51-04:00October 6th, 2015|Cold and Flu Season, Skin Hair & Nails|Comments Off on Herpes 101: Prevent & Treat Breakouts Naturally

Darkness, Rain & Cold. Prevent the Weather from affecting your Health.

by Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND Did you know that weather has a huge impact on health? From ‘catching cold’ to winter blues, the fall & winter bring darker hours, damp/cold rain and eventually, dry cold weather that can compromise our health if we aren’t prepared. Understanding seasonal changes is one of the most important steps you can take in cold & flu prevention and in maintaining health all-year long.   Darkness We have evolved with the 24 hour light-dark cycle of our planet. Our exposure to sun and darkness influences all of our biorhythms from temperature regulation to sleep cycle to hormonal balance. Long-dark days are notorious for causing us to sleep longer, feel more fatigued, and ‘out-of-sorts’. Tip#1 There are always beautiful, sunny days in the fall and winter. Get outside during these times and expose yourself to the light. This will help to boost mood and physiological balance. Tip#2 Supplement with adrenal support. The adrenal gland sits on top of the kidneys and is responsible for the secretion of cortisol, which is one of the hormones affected by long-dark days. Depletion or imbalance in cortisol secretion can leave us feeling, tired, and overwhelmed with poor stress tolerance. Taking adrenal support will help to nourish this gland and regulate production of stress hormones helping us to manage our stress better. Tip#3 Supplement with melatonin as the season changes. Sometimes the worst part about change is our inability to adjust. The dark days come and we never really make the natural transition. Taking melatonin before bedtime sends a message to the brain that darkness has come and it is time for sleep. This helps us to achieve a deeper state of [...]

By |2024-06-24T08:50:36-04:00September 7th, 2015|Cold and Flu Season, Nutrition, Self Care|Comments Off on Darkness, Rain & Cold. Prevent the Weather from affecting your Health.

Transition to Fall with Traditional Chinese Medicine

by Matthew Richardson, R.Ac   With summer winding down and the days beginning to get shorter we can all feel fall just around the corner with its cool temperatures and windy days. The seasons in Chinese medicine are not events that are separate from us, but are integrated into our lives along with the internal changes of our mind and body (organ systems, emotional selves and habits we have formed). The change in our external environment reflects our internal changes in health and balance. “In ancient times those people who understood Tao (the way of self cultivation) patterned themselves upon the Yin and the Yang (the two principles in nature) and they lived in harmony” The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine –  approx. 475-221 BC […]

By |2024-06-12T02:54:59-04:00September 5th, 2015|Cold and Flu Season, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture|Comments Off on Transition to Fall with Traditional Chinese Medicine

The Family Breakfast Smoothie Recipe

By Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND Looking for a quick, simple, healthy, delicious breakfast solution for the whole family? A breakfast smoothie is a great way to boost breakfast nutrition and get the family off to a great start! Understand the nutritional benefits and enjoy! […]

By |2024-06-13T02:49:09-04:00July 25th, 2015|Nutrition, Recipes|Comments Off on The Family Breakfast Smoothie Recipe

4 Tips to Reduce Exercise-Induced Inflammation

by Dr. Jon Cartile, DC Summer is upon us and we should all take this time to get outside and get moving. We are designed to be creatures of motion, so while we have the longer daylight hours we should be taking advantage. With exercise we are overloading the body and breaking down tissues - this is part of how we loose fat and build muscle. With tissue breakdown comes inflammation. Controlling and minimizing inflammation in our body is one of the most important things we can do to maximize our benefits from training and to prevent injury. In the long run this adaption to training is what makes our body healthier and fitter and more able to adapt to other stressors in our life. In the long run, it will actually lead to a reduction in overall body inflammation. The important thing is to help your body optimally deal with the overload using the following basic tips: Warm up – Start with dynamic movements of the activity you want to do in a controlled manner. So if you are going to run, start with leg swings, standing jumps and slow jog. If you're going to golf, start with slow body twists and arm swings. This increases the pliability of your tissues and decreases the amount of micro-damage. Drink water – This is straight forward, anytime you increase activity you will lose moisture. This will keep better blood flow and move the tissue waste created from exercise. Omega 3 – Omega 3 is important for our bodies own anti inflammation production. It's important that we get our omega 3,6 and 9 in the right ratio, unfortunately most of us our diets are high in omega 6, [...]

By |2024-06-25T03:41:21-04:00June 27th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 4 Tips to Reduce Exercise-Induced Inflammation
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