How Will You Prevent The Flu This Season?

With Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND   The immune system is our body’s main system of defense, protecting us from getting sick, as well as aiding our recovery. A holistic approach to flu prevention considers supporting the whole person, which in turn will support and boost the immune system. This approach includes a healthy diet and life style, rest and stress management and therapeutic interventions such as herbal medicine and specific nutrients, when indicated. By improving the health of the whole person we are able to support our ‘natural immunity’, which effectively and safely will prevent the flu and other infections. From a conventional perspective, the flu vaccine has become the primary form of flu prevention that the public and media focus on, although research demonstrates positive effects in a healthy population are small and safety research is poor and inconclusive. […]

By |2024-06-21T03:20:13-04:00February 26th, 2015|Cold and Flu Season|Comments Off on How Will You Prevent The Flu This Season?

The Secret to Heart Medicine from Ancient Tradition

with Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND   Heart disease is one of the western world’s most prevalent diseases. The Heart and Stroke Foundation rates it as the number one cause of death in Canada. If you look on the Heart and Stroke Website you will see listed the following preventative strategies for heart disease: Maintain a healthy weight Consult a dietician for help with creating a balanced diet, monitoring fat intake, increasing complex carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables, reducing alcohol consumption Quit smoking or maintain a smoke-free environment Remain Physically Active Decrease stress All great suggestions that we give out as naturopathic doctors every day…  lifestyle, lifestyle, lifestyle! But, our patients protest,  ‘it is so hard to change!’ WHY? One of the BIG reason we have difficulty maintaining lifestyle is stress. Our bad habits make us feel really, really good – for a really short period of time. Yet, many of our global authorities on heart health have a hard time directly connecting emotions with heart health – or at least they have a hard time talking about it. Yet in ancient times, this connection was well understood.  According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) one of the biggest blocks to mental and spiritual wholeness is that between the heart (feeling) and the mind (thought). Somewhere along the way, our western minds came  to believe that feelings and thoughts are separate. While in eastern medicine, the relationship is so important that a block or separation between heart and mind is considered a precursor to disease. In TCM the ‘Heart-Mind’ is the residence of memory, thinking, consciousness, mental activity, emotions, sleep and is said to be the home of the spirit or, ‘the [...]

By |2024-06-12T02:30:41-04:00February 6th, 2015|Cardiovascular Health, Mental Clarity, Mind Body Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture|Comments Off on The Secret to Heart Medicine from Ancient Tradition

Renew this New Year with Tuina Massage

with Matthew Richardson, RAc. Tuina is good for anyone! It stimulates the bodies energies and blood to benefit the skin, muscles, tendons, joints and organs. 'Tuina' translates to “push – grasp” and is a traditional form of hands on body work with its roots in Chinese medicine. But, it is much more than just a simple massage for relaxation. Tuina is based on the same points and lines as acupuncture, with the same diagnostic methods. This means we use our hands to stimulate the appropriate acupuncture points and areas that will benefit each individual the most. No two treatments are the same as everyone comes into the clinic with their own unique life experiences. These experiences are stored in the body. We walk around with all that we have done during our lives inside of us. We define ourselves from our experience, and this experience in turn defines our body and how it functions. Tuina therapy considers the whole body, the whole individual and forms a treatment that captures your needs in the moment. Tuina is performed by a trained acupuncturist. If you are coming for acupuncture, don’t worry you won’t miss out! Acupuncture and Tuina are often done together to give a complete internal/external, yin/yang treatment of the body. This is a great treatment, and you leave feeling well grounded with renewed energy. One of the unique aspects of Tuina is the practice of Self-Tuina. This can be a complete set of techniques to treat yourself or just a few simple tips to get you through the day. There is nothing better than being able to treat yourself at the exact moment you feel your symptoms coming on! Frequently Asked Questions: Is Tuina for [...]

By |2024-06-11T09:45:43-04:00December 16th, 2014|Massage Therapy, Pain and Fatigue, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture|Comments Off on Renew this New Year with Tuina Massage

Winter Warmer Squash & Kale Quinoa Salad

with Lisa Holowaychuk, Holistic Health & Life Coach Looking for a FRESH & HEALTHY recipe for the holidays? Look no further. This dish will keep you feeling warm and is a great addition to any holiday spread.               Makes 4 to 6 servings as a main dish. Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups quinoa 3 cups water 2 teaspoons olive oil, divided 1 onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 1/2 cups peeled, cored and diced butternut squash 1 1/2 cups roughly chopped kale (previously washed and cleaned) 2 teaspoons fresh thyme, chopped vinaigrette Directions: In a large pot, bring the quinoa and water to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer, covered until all the water has been absorbed (about 20 minutes). Remove from the heat, fluff with a for and place in a large bowl to cool for 20 minutes. In the meantime, heat one teaspoons olive oil in a large skillet, add the onion and cook until it turns translucid. Add the garlic, butternut squash and kale. Cover with a lid and cook for about 10 minutes on medium-low heat. Remove the lid, check that the butternut squash is tender but not mushy or hard when you poke a piece with a knife. Add the thyme and continue cooking until the all the liquid creating by the cover has evaporated. Let cool to room temperature. Gently fold the cooked quinoa and the cooked vegetables together along with the vinaigrette. Serve room temperature or cold.

By |2024-04-18T10:00:46-04:00November 27th, 2014|Nutrition, Recipes|Comments Off on Winter Warmer Squash & Kale Quinoa Salad

Tips to keep you VITAL and WARM through the winter!

with Dr. Angelina Riopel & Dr. Kathleen Regan Winter is upon us, and all that comes with it…  Beautiful snowy days, winter sports, and cozy evenings by the fire but also, shorter days, dry cold air and cravings for richer comfort foods.   The change of seasons is always a time to reflect and attempt to get in sync with nature and support and prepare yourself, mind and body, for the changes that are to come. Start now with these simple tips from our naturopathic experts to support you inside & out this winter. […]

By |2024-06-21T03:24:57-04:00November 25th, 2014|Cold and Flu Season, Self Care|Comments Off on Tips to keep you VITAL and WARM through the winter!

LADIES – Are your daily habits and lifestyle contributing to healthy breasts?

by Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND Daily habits and lifestyle are cumulative and have a huge impact on our health. The little things really do count! Here are a few things that you can GIVE UP and BEGIN that will improve breast health. GIVE UP UNDERWIRE BRA Or at least save it for special occasions. Go without or switch to a cotton sport-type bra for everyday. Lymphatic movement is essential to breast health and under-wires impair lymphatic drainage from the breasts. ANTIPERSPIRANT Antiperspirants are full of toxins, including aluminum, which is absorbed into your system. We really don’t want to stop sweating anyway! It is an essential way that our breasts and underarms rid toxins. There are a number of natural, toxin free deodorants on the market now that really do work. You will still sweat but you won’t smell. TOXIC BODY LOTION The skin is the largest organ in the body and absorbs what we put on it. Many body lotions are full of toxins, including petroleum, silicone and parabens. Parabens are endocrine disrupters, and mimic estrogen. They have been detected in breast cancer tissue, which suggests an association with parabens and breast cancer. Try using organic oils, such as almond, grape seed, jojoba or coconut oil. They will make your skin feel great and contain nutrients and essential fatty acids that are beneficial to over all health.   BEGIN DRY SKIN BRUSHING Dry skin brushing a couple times per week, helps to improve lymphatic drainage and move toxins and lymph away from the breasts. Buy a long handled, natural bristle brush or a loofah mitt. Begin at your feet, moving up towards your body in a circular motion, then from your hands down your [...]

By |2024-06-24T08:36:06-04:00October 30th, 2014|Self Care|Comments Off on LADIES – Are your daily habits and lifestyle contributing to healthy breasts?

New @ Innate: Pelvic Massage (Mercier Technique) for Fertility Treatment!

Patti MacGregor, Registered Massage Therapist, is new to Innate. She is pleased to offer Mercier Technique. This is a form of pelvic massage that can loosen adhesions and decrease tension in the pelvis. This non-invasive technique is an excellent addition to your fertility package. Patti is available on Saturdays from 9am-3pm. Book in advance as her spots are limited! […]

By |2024-06-21T03:25:58-04:00August 19th, 2014|Fertility, Massage Therapy, Women's Wellness|Comments Off on New @ Innate: Pelvic Massage (Mercier Technique) for Fertility Treatment!

Beat the Heat with 10 Tips to Keep Cool!

  Summer is a natural time of expansion, growth, activity, light and creativity. From wild forest blooms to fresh farmer’s fields we see Mother Nature hard at work. To stay cool, we must be in harmony with the summer atmosphere. When we are out of natural rhythm in the summer it is easy to become over-heated with profuse sweating, sluggishness, fatigue and even heat exhaustion.  Stay in natural rhythm to beat the summer heat with these 10 tips! Wake early with the morning sun and get active! This is a perfect season for a morning yoga class, jog or gardening session Play, travel and be joyful Be sun-safe. After you have had healthy sun exposure (20 minutes or so depending on your skin pigment), cover up! You will keep cooler in some lighter linens and cottons. And remember to cover your head. We gain and loose heat in the body quickly through the top of our head. Try plenty of brightly colored foods. These are naturally joyful and full of fresh, summer antioxidant power! Cook lightly and add spice. The stomach is able to handle lighter cooked foods at this time of year. When sautéing food, cook on high for a short period of time. Steam foods lightly. Adding a bit of fiery spice will help to naturally disperse heat. Drink warm liquids and take warm showers to cool the body. It may seem practical to take a cold shower when you are hot but cold water shunts blood to the body’s core sending a message to the body to increase it’s internal temperature. A warmer shower will send a message to cool the body down. Avoid cold foods (yes…. nix the ice cream) on [...]

By |2024-06-21T03:01:24-04:00July 31st, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Beat the Heat with 10 Tips to Keep Cool!

Innate’s Summer Cooling Concoction

Feeling the heat? Try this cooling concoction to stay cool this summer....             In a glass jug combine: 5-6 cups of water  A handful of cilantro leaves A handful of mint leaves 1 dropper of chlorophyll water 1/2tsp of cayenne (preferably liquid if you can find it but powder will do) 6-8 cucumber slices 4 slices of lemon   Let this combo sit in the fridge for a few hours. Drink two-three glasses per day first thing in the morning and through the afternoon. Continue to refill with water for two days.

By |2024-06-19T03:24:45-04:00July 31st, 2014|Recipes|Comments Off on Innate’s Summer Cooling Concoction

Cure Common Skin Conditions with Acupuncture!

by Matthew Richardson, R. Ac. Is your skin determining what you wear, what you do or how you feel? Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, rashes, acne and dry skin are incredibly common. The discomfort that goes with them can have a large impact on how we live and how we feel about ourselves. Many people spend a lot of time and money on creams and medicines that are partially effective and are limited to treating the symptoms – instead of the underlying condition. Skin conditions don’t start and stop with the skin! They are a reflection of our internal health. There is another solution to problem skin that addresses your internal health. But it cannot be found in your local pharmacy! Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture have been effectively curing skin conditions for thousands of years. […]

By |2024-06-14T03:10:15-04:00June 26th, 2014|Skin Hair & Nails, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture|Comments Off on Cure Common Skin Conditions with Acupuncture!
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