by Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND

Daily habits and lifestyle are cumulative and have a huge impact on our health. The little things really do count! Here are a few things that you can GIVE UP and BEGIN that will improve breast health.



Or at least save it for special occasions. Go without or switch to a cotton sport-type bra for everyday. Lymphatic movement is essential to breast health and under-wires impair lymphatic drainage from the breasts.


Antiperspirants are full of toxins, including aluminum, which is absorbed into your system. We really don’t want to stop sweating anyway! It is an essential way that our breasts and underarms rid toxins. There are a number of natural, toxin free deodorants on the market now that really do work. You will still sweat but you won’t smell.


The skin is the largest organ in the body and absorbs what we put on it. Many body lotions are full of toxins, including petroleum, silicone and parabens. Parabens are endocrine disrupters, and mimic estrogen. They have been detected in breast cancer tissue, which suggests an association with parabens and breast cancer.

Try using organic oils, such as almond, grape seed, jojoba or coconut oil. They will make your skin feel great and contain nutrients and essential fatty acids that are beneficial to over all health.




Dry skin brushing a couple times per week, helps to improve lymphatic drainage and move toxins and lymph away from the breasts.

Buy a long handled, natural bristle brush or a loofah mitt. Begin at your feet, moving up towards your body in a circular motion, then from your hands down your arms, breasts and underarms and neck towards the abdomen – this is where the lymphatic drainage ducts are.   Use as much pressure as comfortable and for about 10 minutes. Do this when you wake in the morning or before you shower.


Contrast showers help to stimulate the immune system and improve circulation, which in turn helps with toxin elimination. Hot 3 minutes : Cold 30 seconds (as cold as possible). Repeat this pattern 3 times!


Introduce seaweed into your diet a few times per week. Wakame, nori, hijiki, dulse and kelp can be added to soups, salads or toasted as a snack. They are a rich source of minerals such as calcium, iron and iodine and offer protection against radiation and breast cancer.