By Lisa Holowaychuk, Holistic Health Coach + Life Stylist Spring is here and summer is fast approaching, and with that EVERYONE wants to find their glow, ditch the winter blues (and for many those holiday pounds that aren’t budging) and overall just feel lighter, more energized and happy. You can start doing some very simple things now, so when the temperatures start to rise you are feeling your best, inside and out. Never forget it’s the little things that you do every. single. day. Not the big things that you embark on. Feel the compassion, love and gratitude for each step along your journey as your body and self will thank you. Whip out the juicer. Aim for at least one alkalizing green juice daily (minimize fruit). If you only have a blender handy, green smoothies can be a tasty little vessel for an abundance of green veggies and superfoods (some of my favorites – maca, chia seeds, Vitamineral Greens, spirulina, camu camu, goji berries, raw cocao…) Dust off the spice rack. Turmeric, cayenne, rosemary and cumin are abundant in antioxidant compounds. It will set your metabolism on fire and will help you stay away from salt (which can give you bloating and major water retention) Get fermenting. Chop some cabbage, rub in a little salt, add a probiotic capsule and pop it in a jar for a few days. Tending to your inner garden is a vital part of a gently cleansing diet! Sauerkraut, kimchi, are incredible additions to your kitchen. Get a water alkalizer. Then bump up the hydration with at least two liters daily, with a wee pinch of sea salt added for extra minerals. I use this santevia model and absolutely [...]

By |2014-04-26T12:32:25-04:00April 26th, 2014|Detoxification/Cleanse, Mind Body Medicine, Uncategorized|Comments Off on DETOX @ HOME

Green Detox Liver Juice Recipe

By: Lisa Holowaychuk, Holistic Health Coach + Life Stylist This recipe is amazing for the liver because of the dandelion leaves. The sour taste of a Granny Smith Apple will also help to stimulate liver function. While from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, cucumber and celery are cooling which helps to drain heat and inflammation that builds up in the liver. This juice is perfect first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. A week of this and you will feel amazing!! One huge bunch of dandelion leaves One apple One large cucumber  4-5 Stalks of celery For best results, use organic and local where possible.  

By |2024-07-22T08:34:47-04:00April 26th, 2014|Detoxification/Cleanse, Recipes|Comments Off on Green Detox Liver Juice Recipe

Detox Demystified Part 1

Article By: Dr. Nadia Kumentas ND Although you may be familiar with the term “detoxification” do you really know what it entails? Most people link doing a detox with weight loss and while this isn’t necessarily false, there is a lot more to consider when we want to partake in a full body detox.To start off, is doing a “detox” even necessary? The short answer is YES. In today’s world we encounter around 2.5 billion pounds of toxic chemicals (including 6 million pounds of mercury alone) each year. Did you know that the average newborn baby has 287 known toxins in his or her umbilical cord blood? You can only imagine how many toxins you have been exposed to by this point in your life if we started with that level of toxic load! Here are some, but not all, of the factors that can contribute to your total toxic load (i.e. total amount of accumulated toxins in the body): Heavy metal exposure ex. Mercury, lead, petrochemicals, residues, pesticides, and fertilizers Allergies ex. Food allergies, environmental allergies, molds Poor diet ex. Eating a standard American diet that includes processed, high fat, high sugar, high salt foods Medications ex. Remember what goes into the body has to get processed; most pharmaceuticals have a toxic load on the body Internal toxins ex. bacteria, fungus, and yeast inside our own systems and intestines as well as hormonal and metabolic toxins that we need to eliminate Mental, emotional, and spiritual toxins ex. stress, anger, loneliness, irritability, hostility, etc. all have a profound effect on our body chemistry and all of which translate into toxins in our system A little scary right? The good news is our bodies are well equipped to eliminate toxins on a [...]

By |2024-07-22T08:36:12-04:00April 26th, 2014|Detoxification/Cleanse, Digestion, Nutrition, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Detox Demystified Part 1

Ginger and Cinnamon Winter Tonic – Recipe + Health Benefits

By: Andrea Sarjeant, CNP Here’s a great recipe for a winter tonic that will warm you up wherever you take it! If you read Dr. Kathleen’s last post, you know that plenty of warming and immune boosting spices already live in your kitchen cupboard. Here’s a recipe for a steeped tea that you can make with simple ingredients. It will keep you warm and healthy during this cold weather: Ginger is a peripheral circulatory stimulant, which means that it’s great for people with cold hands or feet. Adding ginger to your food or sipping on ginger tea can even increase nutrient absorption. Cinnamon is a warming spice that will help to keep you from getting sick, thanks to its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. And cinnamon can help to boost your mood. Ancient folklore says that the smell of cinnamon helps to ward off the winter blues. Ginger and Cinnamon Winter Tonic In a large mason jar or teapot, combine: 1” piece of ginger, sliced (peel it if it’s not organic) 1 cinnamon stick Honey, maple syrup or stevia to taste (although I don’t find that it needs it) Cover with boiling water and allow to steep until cool enough to drink. You can continue to top up with boiling water for several steeps. Enjoy!

By |2024-06-19T03:07:31-04:00February 3rd, 2014|Cold and Flu Season, Nutrition, Recipes|Comments Off on Ginger and Cinnamon Winter Tonic – Recipe + Health Benefits

Baby… It’s Cold Outside! Try these herbs and spices to stay warm…

By Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND 1. Cardamom: You may know the taste of cardamom from chai tea. It is a member of the ginger family long used as a warming stimulant. It is specific for damp weather. Grab a chai tea to start your day off on a warm note. 2. Cayenne: Hot, hot, hot! This spicy herb can be added to curries, stews or soups. It will increase circulation and facilitate the flow of blood to the hands and feet… keeping you warm. It is also excellent at fighting sore throats, colds and chest infections. But a caution – too much cayenne can cause sweating which will cool you down in the long-run. It is no surprise that this plant is native to the hotter climate of Central America. 3. Cinnamon: This sweet spice helps with tiredness, chilliness and poor immunity. A great herb to be using all winter long – it also helps to balance blood sugar and fight depression. Add this to your morning oatmeal or smoothie. 4. Fennel: Mildly warming but easily accessible and excellent taste. Fennel is not as strong as ginger but can still help to keep you on the warm side. It also helps to heal stubborn cases of bronchitis and chest infection that are common in the winter. 5. Ginger: Warming and Stimulating, the fresh root of ginger is suited to people who feel chilly. Add this to your soup or tea. Ginger can also help to calm an upset stomach – bonus! Additional Tips: Remember the winter is a time for warming and well-cooked foods such as spiced oatmeal, soups, stews and curries. A surplus of raw food, cooling juices or fresh salads will cool you down. [...]

By |2024-06-26T07:16:38-04:00January 8th, 2014|Cold and Flu Season, Nutrition, Recipes|Comments Off on Baby… It’s Cold Outside! Try these herbs and spices to stay warm…

Five Tips To Help You Survive The Holidays

  By Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND   ‘Tis the season where rich foods, cocktails and late nights are aplenty, yet we still need to look and feel our best! Stay hydrated  Skip the morning coffee and try drinking plenty of lemon water or the Re-Hydrating Drink to wake you up.  The dreaded hang-over is largely due to lack of sleep and dehydration. Sleep well  Take advantage of early nights when you can and nap if you need to.  This does help to make up for the late ones! Increase consumption of green and antioxidant rich foods   Consume plenty of deep dark colored fruits and vegetables.  If you have a juicer this is a great time to put it to use. Fruits and vegetables will help to keep your liver and digestion healthy, and anti-oxidants help to battle those free radicals that accumulate from the seasonal indulgences. Try not to over do it  There are many events and family functions that will demand your time.  Choose ones that will be enjoyable and won’t add unwanted stress to this busy time of year. Have fun! Enjoy the all deliciousness of this season - family, friends and holiday soul food!  The new year will be here soon enough.   Re-Hydrating Drink: Blend 2 sticks of celery ½ cup of spinach ½ cup of fresh pineapple A coin size piece of fresh ginger ½ of a lemon juiced 1 cup of water  

By |2024-06-19T03:21:13-04:00December 10th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Five Tips To Help You Survive The Holidays

Festive Clementine, Olive and Mint Salad

by Andrea Sarjeant, CNP Here’s a recipe for a great salad that you can bring to your next holiday party. The olives will help to support your adrenal glands, which need some extra love during this busy (and often stressful) season. The clementines are a good source of vitamin C, and the greens are super alkalizing and detoxifying! 1 container of mixed greens 4 clementines, peeled and sliced into rounds 1 cup black, oil cured olives, pitted ¼ cup mint leaves, packed ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil Tip the mixed greens into a big salad bowl. Scatter the clementines overtop, squishing them a little to release their delicious juice onto the greens. Roughly chop the mint leaves and olives and scatter overtop as well, and top with the extra virgin olive oil.

By |2024-06-19T03:22:27-04:00December 10th, 2013|Nutrition, Recipes|Comments Off on Festive Clementine, Olive and Mint Salad

One Important Tip for New Year’s Resolutions ….Made Easy!

by Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND on January 10, 2013 The New Year is FAST approaching and it is time to set our intentions for the coming year. Yes, it is a little early. But making important changes in our lives take time. Here is my simple recipe for resolution: 1 Part Vision 1 Part Passion 1 Part Willpower It’s simple and easy to follow…. right? All you need is the clarity of mind to know what you want, the desire or passion to seek it out and the willpower to follow-through. Easier said than done! At Innate Wellness we have designed some special New Years Packages to help you set your goals for the New Year and actually achieve them. Inquire about our  ‘New Year’s Kick-start Program’ or our ‘Winter Detox Program’. A little support and guidance from our life coach and nutritionist can take your goals that much further! […]

By |2024-06-26T06:04:27-04:00December 5th, 2013|Mental Clarity, Mind Body Medicine, Nutrition, Self Care|Comments Off on One Important Tip for New Year’s Resolutions ….Made Easy!

What is Chiropractic Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT)?

By: Dr. Jonathan Cartile DC Our body is a machine with 10 trillion moving parts (cells). It is a complex system that needs a complex level of control.  Our nervous system is designed to control our body. We put our bodies through a different stressors: physical, chemical and mental. Physical: Stress is placed on us through constant gravitational force (unless you are an astronaut!). Simple physics… we need to generate a force to counter gravity. We do that with our bones and soft tissues. When we put our body in positions that increase load (ex., slouching, lifting, sleeping to name a few) we increase the stress on our body. The body either copes with that increase if it can… or it breaks down. Chemical: Our body is a chemical wonder! We are full of hormones, acids, enzymes, neurotransmitters, minerals and many other complex molecules to keep our body running. These biochemical systems are designed to control the body through activating or deactivating chemical signals. For example, if we continuously ingest highly processed sugary foods the pancreatic/insulin system needs to cope with it or our body will break down. Mental: Most people can relate to mental stress. Our body is designed to cope with stress in small amounts in a finite period of time.  When stress is constant, this places a burden on our biochemical system to cope with stress hormones. A lot of people today don’t have a break from their stresses… and after a while the body changes it’s biochemistry to reflect the stressful state. Eventually, the body grows tired of this compensation and begins to break down. In my professional journey, I have found a chiropractic technique called Sacro [...]

By |2024-06-14T02:54:50-04:00December 5th, 2013|Chiropractic Medicine|Comments Off on What is Chiropractic Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT)?

Listen to Dr. Jon Cartile, DC on Stress, Headaches and TMJ

Do you suffer from stress, headaches, or TMJ? Chiropractic medicine can help to support and treat these conditions.  Listen to Dr. Jon Cartile, DC as he explains his approach to stress, headaches, and TMJ. To listen, please follow this link: Thank you to Paul Hambleton @ The Health and Wellness Show for the interview!

By |2024-06-25T03:36:58-04:00November 26th, 2013|Chiropractic Medicine, Media, Pain and Fatigue|Comments Off on Listen to Dr. Jon Cartile, DC on Stress, Headaches and TMJ
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