What can Naturopathic Medicine do for Postpartum Depression?

1.    Nourish the body and balance blood sugar with nutrition 2.    Balance Hormones with diet, herbs, and supplements 3.    Nurture Yourself – You deserve it!  4.    Address unexpressed feelings and your need for support There has been recent media attention to the severity of postpartum depression following the tragic death of Winnipeg mother, Lisa Gibson and her two children.  A study recently published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that women living in urban areas of greater than 500,000 people were more likely to experience postpartum depression with social support being cited as one important factor. Depression following birth can range from the ‘baby blues’ to postpartum depression to the more serious postpartum psychosis.  Around 80% of women will experience some form of baby blues following delivery up to two weeks. 10-15% will go on to experience something more severe. Individuals who are at risk include those with the following issues: History of depression or postpartum depression History of moderate to severe PMS Family history of postpartum depression Traumatic experience during birth Sleep deprivation Lack of marital support History of abuse Poor relationship with close family members particularly a parent Lifestyle stress Lack of emotional and social support after birth Hormonal imbalance in the thyroid gland, with progesterone or estrogen Depending on the severity of a woman’s condition, conventional medical treatment may be necessary and should be sought out immediately. However for milder forms of depression there are many naturopathic therapies that can help prevent (during pregnancy) and ameliorate depressive symptoms after birth. 1.    Nourish your body and balance your blood sugar with nutrition Improve vitamin and mineral status: during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the growing baby places a high demand on the mother’s nutrients. A woman can become quite [...]

By |2024-06-19T03:12:18-04:00August 12th, 2013|Post Natal Care|Comments Off on What can Naturopathic Medicine do for Postpartum Depression?

Sensitive Children and Sunscreen

The Environmental Working Group has come out with it’s recommendations.  Visit https://kimcallaghannd.wordpress.com/ for their evaluated list of sunscreens. Also check out https://kimcallaghannd.wordpress.com/ to read about a few more don’ts for sunscreen. Each year my older, very fair skinned and super sensitive daughter and I do a variety of patch tests on each of our forearms and check the results.  This year, Badger did not give her a rash (me? – big rash) and ranked highly on the EWG’s list.  Sounds great, right? Well, since she is super sensitive, she hates the feel of the sunscreen on her skin.  She hates the scent (unscented) and she hates the lumps.  I must say, I can’t really blame her.  I also eschew sunscreen and, full disclosure, avoid it as often as I can. I wrote a couple of years ago about things I’ve tried to get the sunscreen onto her skin with no screaming (herself and myself) and in a decent amount of time.  (You can read that post by scrolling down.) Well, a few of them work now that she’s 7.  We have reason and understanding consequences on our side now.  Still, though, while the other kid slathers on any old sunscreen without rash or squirm, the elder kid, has a hard time indeed. So, dear readers, if you have any suggestions at all, please do leave a comment. Here’s to a safe and skin-happy summer! Dr. Kim Callaghan, ND

By |2024-06-11T10:03:34-04:00June 6th, 2013|Self Care|Comments Off on Sensitive Children and Sunscreen

Announcement: Rate Changes and New Chiropractic Service

Dear Clients, Change is in the air! You may have noticed some changes at Innate Health Centre in the past few months. New owners Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND and Dr. Angelina Riopel ND have been working together on new programs and services for the clinic. Stay tuned for a newsletter and email regarding some upcoming changes! In the meantime, we will be making some adjustments to our rates this coming July, 1, 2013 for Naturopathic Appointments and Massage Therapy (see Below). In addition, we are pleased to offer Chiropractic services with Dr. Jon Cartile, DC starting June 4, 2013 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Please let us know if you have any questions, Innate Health Centre Team   Naturopathic Medicine: Our rates will be remaining the same for the most part. We will be moving from a time-based fee schedule to a service-based fee schedule. We are making these adjustments to give our doctors flexibility with the timing of appointments as many assessments run over-time. Our service-based schedule is as follows: Initial Assessment (60-90min) Follow-up Assessment (30-45min) Acute Check-In Assessment (15-20min)  Our fees per service will be as follows:  Initial Appointment: $200 Follow-up Visit: $110 Check-in: $55   Massage therapy: Our massage therapy rates will be adjusted as follows: 30 minute appointment: $50 45 minute appointment: $70 60 minute appointment: $85 75 minute appointment: $105 90 minute appointment: $125 Chiropractic Rates: We are pleased to be introducing Chiropractic services with Dr. Jon Cartile, DC starting June 4, 2013. Dr. Cartile will be in practice Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays during regular business hours. Please call ahead to book to ensure an appointment. Drop-ins are welcome. Our Chiropractic Rates will be as follows:  Initial Assessment (30 minutes): [...]

By |2024-06-12T02:56:59-04:00May 23rd, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Announcement: Rate Changes and New Chiropractic Service

The Power of Relaxation

Do you feel like you’re constantly fighting food and your weight? Or feel stressed from what you should be eating or doing to achieve your weight goal? Next up in our free monthly lecture series, our Holistic Health Coach chats about the power of relaxation and your metabolism.   Come on out and learn more! It's free! Check out our website, www.innatehealthcentre.com, for more information.    

By |2024-09-26T07:24:53-04:00February 19th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Power of Relaxation

Signs You Need More Sleep

Sleep is vital for maintaining mental, emotional, and physical health. Recognizing the signs you need more sleep can help you address underlying health concerns and improve your overall well-being. Are you feeling constantly tired, unfocused, or emotionally overwhelmed? These could be clear indicators that you’re not getting enough sleep.Sleep deprivation affects everything from cognitive function and mood to immune response and energy levels. It’s not just about feeling tired—it’s about how lack of sleep impacts your daily life and long-term health. Poor sleep habits can lead to difficulties concentrating, weakened immunity, and even increased risks of chronic conditions.Understanding why sleep is important for overall health and how to recognize the signs of insufficient rest is the first step to achieving better sleep. Let’s explore the key indicators and actionable steps you can take to reset your sleep cycle and restore balance to your life. IN THE NEWS:Two recent Huffington Post articles highlight how diet affects sleep patterns and the reverse – how sleep patterns affect diet.  ….Yes, there is a bit of ‘what comes first, the chicken or the egg‘?  Whatever it is, we do know for certain that food/health choices affect sleep, and sleep affects food/health choices. …and this is why I always look at rest, relaxation, and sleep with health coaching clients… it’s SO important.  Check out these surprising signs from the Huffington Post:Surprising Signs You Need More Sleepfrom the Huffington Post1.  You’re RavenousIf you find yourself hungry all day (and not because you skipped breakfast or have recently amped up your gym routine), it might be because you’ve been skimping on sleep.Research presented at the 2010 meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behaviour linked little shuteye with higher levels of the [...]

By |2025-02-11T03:45:25-05:00February 13th, 2013|Mind Body Medicine, Self Care, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Signs You Need More Sleep

Innate on E! Live with Leah – Curb Your Sugar Addiction

Check out Innate's very own Andrea Sarjeant, Holistic Nutritionist, as she talks with E! Live host Leah Miller.  Click on the link to watch Andrea and get some helpful tips for curbing your sugar addiction.   E! Live with Leah - featuring Andrea Sarjeant   For more information or to contact Andrea, click here Be sure to check out Andrea's upcoming Winter Cleanse information session Thursday, Feb. 7th at 6:30pm at Innate Health Centre.

By |2024-06-25T04:35:02-04:00February 5th, 2013|Upcoming Events at Innate|Comments Off on Innate on E! Live with Leah – Curb Your Sugar Addiction

New Year, Meet the Winter Cleanse

 Curious? Join us at a free info session on Thursday, February 7 at 630pm. Register here. With Andrea Sarjeant, CNP, NNCP, Holistic Nutritionist Happy New Year, Innate clients! Read on to learn why you may benefit from a winter cleanse, and get a recipe for a delicious cleanse-friendly snack. The new year is a time where we typically desire change; we set our intentions for the year ahead, make resolutions, with our health at top-of-mind. It’s the time that we desire to be healthier, and maybe drop a few of those holiday pounds. While the new year isn’t typically a time to embark on a serious detoxification regime, it can be a great time to give your body a two-week “vacation.” What kind of vacation, you ask? A vacation from some of the typical foods that can cause disruptions to the digestive process! This will give your body the opportunity to repair itself and cleanse itself of what it no longer needs. Why start a cleanse? Personally I find that cleansing is the perfect way to balance the body in the new year. No diets, no drastic measures; just a nice and relaxed two week vacation for your body to let go of toxins and set you up for the year ahead. How to tell if you would benefit from a cleanse: If you experience common toxicity symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, cravings, digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, acid reflux, gas or nausea, aches and pains, excess mucous, allergies, skin problems, female cycle disturbances such as PMS, painful periods, irregular periods or menopausal symptoms, circles under your eyes, or sensitivity to fragrances and chemicals, a cleanse is probably right for you. Benefits of [...]

By |2024-06-25T03:55:04-04:00January 24th, 2013|Upcoming Events at Innate|Comments Off on New Year, Meet the Winter Cleanse

Use This Holiday to Get a Leg Up on Longevity!

By Elizabeth K. Dawson, Holistic Health Coach Do you ever read about those societies that have the ‘secrets to longevity’ (like inner Sardinia) and are racking up centenarians like crazy – and you start to think that, by comparison, your future might be bleak?  Well, what if I told you to stop being such a sad panda and get started on gaining longevity points right now. With these six essentials below, it’s not completely necessary to relocate!  What those societies have are not 'secrets' as much as models for good living that you can focus in on right now.  Festive and family-oriented, December is the winter month that you can choose to put to its best use: taking time to implement some good habits of the longest-lived folks on earth. And may I add: this is not the month to drag yourself to endless events that drain you, despite the list of kind invitations.  Rather, t’is the season to be choosy about how you’re going to spend it!  If you truly want to extend your health and life like the Ikarians of Greece, here are some ways you can start, based on evidence from longevity experts: 1)   Start over with family dinners.  Use the season to resume togetherness over home-cooked meals with your loved ones.  If you have children, commit to a daily or weekly sit-down dinner at home, uninterrupted by TV or electronics.  And - *gulp* - just talk. (this can add years to your life expectancy and that of your family). 2)   Experiment with what rejuvenates you.  Select 3-4 free mornings this month to wake up and ask yourself what would bring you energy and joy that day.  On these precious mornings, don’t [...]

By |2024-09-26T07:23:14-04:00December 13th, 2012|Mind Body Medicine, Self Care, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Use This Holiday to Get a Leg Up on Longevity!

Five Ways to Keep Healthy Over the Holidays (& Still Have Fun!)

By Andrea Sarjeant, CNP Tis the season of holiday fun, rich food, heavy-handed cocktails, and stress, which, if not managed can lead to weight gain, low immunity and burnout.  As someone who loves to enjoy this season to its fullest, I can tell you that you don’t have to stay home to stay healthy! Here are five ways to help you be merry without abandoning your health and wellness. 1. Plan some time to be virtuous. When we’re busy, we often neglect our own well-being. We eat rich food that’s been depleted of nutrients, sleep less, and let our numerous to-do lists stress us out. This translates to a worn down immune system, which can make us more vulnerable to catching a bug. Not being able to celebrate because of a cold or flu is a bummer, so plan for a few nights of downtime to keep your immune system strong. Eat lightly (to counteract the heavy party foods), drink lots of fluids (to help keep you hydrated), take an Epsom salt bath (to help you relax, detoxify, and replenish stores of magnesium which are depleted by alcohol), and be sure to get some sleep. 2. Stay hydrated. The holiday season can be very dehydrating, especially when you consider all the glasses of bubbly and the festive cocktails. To save yourself from the dreaded morning after headache, aim to drink one glass of water in between each cocktail. There! You’ll have less of a burden on your liver, and you’ll feel better in the morning. It’s a win/win situation. Another reason to drink lots of water: a big glass 20 minutes BEFORE a meal will actually help you to feel more full from less food. [...]

By |2024-06-13T02:53:13-04:00December 13th, 2012|Recipes, Self Care, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Five Ways to Keep Healthy Over the Holidays (& Still Have Fun!)

Late Summer Health by Traditional Chinese Medicine

Sheela Szymkowiak, Reflexologist and Pregnancy/Post Partum Doula will be offering FREE Acupressure demonstrations at the Innate Health Centre Open House, Saturday September 22nd. Limited spaces! Sign up now  - [email protected] or call: (416) 760-9424 Getting to Know the Season of Late Summer and the Earth Element In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the goal of this late Summer season is about returning to our central core to nourish, generate, and continue to ripen our life force (or Qi), as the body at this time is most attuned with the Earth element. The Earth element is related to the organ and meridian system of the Spleen and its partnered organ, the Stomach. On a mental or emotional level, Earth is in charge of 'digesting' our thinking and thoughts, and thus governs learning and analysis. This element and energy system is also in charge our tissues, muscles and the sense organ, the mouth. How to Nourish the Earth Element Within    As we transition from late Summer into early Autumn, it is wise to pay attention to which foods will assist us to remain strong and healthy at this time. The element of Earth is associated with the taste of full sweet. Our bodies need nourishment that includes Whole protein and complex carbohydrates such as beans, whole grains, root vegetables (yams, potatoes etc) and some meat protein. These categories of foods are considered nutritionally dense and will tonify all bodily tissues. In Chinese Medicine, the spleen and stomach are associated with Late Summer. The stomach's function is to prepare food for transportation through the digestive system by breaking it down. The spleen prepares foods and liquids for absorption in the body, raises our (Qi) energy up, controls blood circulation and [...]

By |2024-06-25T04:31:30-04:00August 30th, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Late Summer Health by Traditional Chinese Medicine
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