Smoking Cessation Treatment: Quit Smoking with MORA BioResonance
BioResonance therapy was invented in Germany and is used in many countries worldwide for therapies like smoking cessation. It has been found to be highly effective in treating ailments, such as allergies, skin problems, chemical and heavy metal toxicity, and other conditions including nicotine addiction. It has been used successfully in helping individuals quit smoking, with dramatic results after a maximum of three treatments, but often one treatment is enough.Therapy for Smoking Cessation: How MORA BioResonance Helps You Quit SmokingUsing MORA BioResonance therapy, the frequency pattern of nicotine in the body is inverted back to the body. This produces what is called a phase cancellation and helps the body to dispense with the memory of nicotine and return to its original state prior to addiction. As a result, the body’s detoxification system is stimulated to eliminate nicotine and the associated cigarette toxins through the kidneys and skin. Using BioResonance therapy medications or treatments to stop smoking reduces the urge to smoke as well as the physical cravings, as it cancels the nicotine’s hold on your body. It is a painless therapy, and BioResonance therapy medication is safe and effective. Some people feel a slight tingling, but most feel no sensation during the treatment. You will be given MORA Drops that contain the therapy information to support you in the weeks following your treatment. There are also counselling and psychotherapy available as required. What are the Benefits of Quitting Smoking?The benefits of quitting smoking extend far beyond the immediate effects on your lungs. By reducing your exposure to tobacco smoking, you decrease the likelihood of developing chronic respiratory diseases, high blood pressure, and even cancer. MORA BioResonance therapy, combined with a well-structured treatment plan, can help manage [...]