The Energy of Fear

By Marco Rosada, Biofield Therapist Human biofield: where fear energy sits. Biofields are any electromagnetic energy field (1) pertaining to any living being. The human biofield (2), also called the human energy body, is the energetic blueprint or matrix that creates the human form. Every human being and every living creature on this planet has such a blueprint. The human biofield is made of morphogenetic (3), etheric fields (4), and other special fields, each of which has different functions and roles. For instance, our physical, mental, and emotional health states are reflected in a section of our biofield called Aura or Auric body, which can be measured, read, and interpreted for therapeutic purposes. This field consists of multiple bands of energy called auric layers or auric fields that encompass the subtle body, connecting us to the outside world energetically. Human biofield is also responsible for the dynamic communication between systems, organs, and cells in our physical body that are connected by a flow of energy that contains information about their health, function, feelings, and our perception of the surrounding environment. In our biofield, the energy of long-lasting fear behaves similarly to that of some of the most health-threatening feelings like hate, resentment, lack of self-esteem, or sense of guilt. Fear causes a generalized drop in the biofield frequency rate that, depending on its severity can cause physical discomforts and mental imbalance. […]