At Innate Wellness we have 4 different massage therapists with 4 different styles. We decided to sit down and ask our therapists about their top techniques in practice. Still not sure which RMT is the right fit for you? Visit their bios or call our front desk staff to inquire (416-760-9424).

 Emily Carr-Locke, RMT

Emily Carr Locke - RMT


Q: You take an intuitive and gentle approach to massage. Is there a patient population that you think your massage style works with best?

A: I have been told that I have a very intuitive touch. I have had many different patients with different health presentations tell me that I really ‘found the right spots’ and helped to relieve an ongoing issue or trigger point that no one else had been able to find. I am able to provide a deep, focused, and relieving treatment which can help patients with frozen shoulder, decreased range of motion, injuries, as well as general aches and pains caused by posture, stress, or physical restrictions. I also have many patients with chronic pain disorders such as fibromyalgia or chronic stress/anxiety who need a varied treatment with different goals, techniques, focus, and awareness.

 I would say that I approach massage with the awareness that I am first and foremost affecting the nervous system, which in turn affects the muscles, joints, fascia, and other tissues including the organs, as well as the mind and mental health. This enables me to provide individualized treatment that is intuitive and effective.

Xiu Hong ‘Nicole’ Peng, RMT

Xiu Hong “Nicole” Peng

Q: In your treatment, you often use some “non-Swedish ” techniques, what they work for?


A: These techniques also are called therapeutic techniques, which are used in conjunction with Swedish massage in the treatments. Some of these techniques can decrease inflammation and pain, such as Lymphatic drainage techniques, vibration and stroking. Joint play techniques can reduce adhesions and pain in the joint. The more painful techniques, such as trigger point release, can help to flush out the metabolites that cause nerve irritation and pain.

Q: After treatment, you usually give your patients some stretching exercises, what are the benefits of these exercise and how often should the patients do them?

A: The benefits of stretching exercise are decreased muscle tightness and increased circulation. Stretching positions are usually done 3 times per day and in sets of 5 repetitions. Each stretch should be held for 30 seconds. Together, these techniques and exercises help the healing process and maintain muscle and joint health.


Giuliana Di Paola, RMT & Shiatsu Therapist

Q: Before you became a RMT, you had training in Shiatsu therapy. How does your shiatsu training influence your RMT practice? What patients do you think benefit most from your style of practice?

 A: I have gained a variety of techniques from Shiatsu that I apply to my practice every day. I believe my extra education has given me perspective, to look at the body differently and try to treat the root cause of any ailments. Not only do I take into consideration structural ailments, but I also consider other physical and emotional imbalances that may occur.

 All patients benefit because every treatment is specifically tailored to the individual. I apply Shiatsu techniques in all of my treatment . It has become a personal style that helps me to work with each client in a more holistic way.


Patti MacGregor, RMT

Q: Women’s health is an focus and passion in your practice from pregnancy care to a wide range of women’s specific health concerns. Is there such a thing as a woman-specific massage and if so what are the benefits?

A: I massage both men and women and a lot of the techniques I use can be beneficial to both sexes. So even if I’m doing a breast massage where I’m working the pec muscles and breast tissue the same techniques can be used on a man and be helpful. If you have upper back discomfort working the muscles on the front of the body is just as important as the one on the back. Everything is connected and everything works as a team.

 But if I was going to talk about a women-centered massage – I guess I would focus on the Mercier Massage for pelvic pain or fertility. My focus with this technique is on the low back, hips and abdomen/pelvis. I am massaging the hips, gluteal muscles and low back to help with posture and releasing any tension that may be pulling internal structures out of alignment. As well, massaging the abdomen and pelvic organs helps to increase circulation and decrease tension and adhesions. I can also do this massage for C section/ hysterectomy scars or other abdominal surgeries. The massage helps the healing process and makes the scar tissue more mobile.