Use This Holiday to Get a Leg Up on Longevity!
By Elizabeth K. Dawson, Holistic Health Coach Do you ever read about those societies that have the ‘secrets to longevity’ (like inner Sardinia) and are racking up centenarians like crazy – and you start to think that, by comparison, your future might be bleak? Well, what if I told you to stop being such a sad panda and get started on gaining longevity points right now. With these six essentials below, it’s not completely necessary to relocate! What those societies have are not 'secrets' as much as models for good living that you can focus in on right now. Festive and family-oriented, December is the winter month that you can choose to put to its best use: taking time to implement some good habits of the longest-lived folks on earth. And may I add: this is not the month to drag yourself to endless events that drain you, despite the list of kind invitations. Rather, t’is the season to be choosy about how you’re going to spend it! If you truly want to extend your health and life like the Ikarians of Greece, here are some ways you can start, based on evidence from longevity experts: 1) Start over with family dinners. Use the season to resume togetherness over home-cooked meals with your loved ones. If you have children, commit to a daily or weekly sit-down dinner at home, uninterrupted by TV or electronics. And - *gulp* - just talk. (this can add years to your life expectancy and that of your family). 2) Experiment with what rejuvenates you. Select 3-4 free mornings this month to wake up and ask yourself what would bring you energy and joy that day. On these precious mornings, don’t [...]