By Lisa Holowaychuk, Holistic Health Coach + Life Stylist Spring is here and summer is fast approaching, and with that EVERYONE wants to find their glow, ditch the winter blues (and for many those holiday pounds that aren’t budging) and overall just feel lighter, more energized and happy. You can start doing some very simple things now, so when the temperatures start to rise you are feeling your best, inside and out. Never forget it’s the little things that you do every. single. day. Not the big things that you embark on. Feel the compassion, love and gratitude for each step along your journey as your body and self will thank you. Whip out the juicer. Aim for at least one alkalizing green juice daily (minimize fruit). If you only have a blender handy, green smoothies can be a tasty little vessel for an abundance of green veggies and superfoods (some of my favorites – maca, chia seeds, Vitamineral Greens, spirulina, camu camu, goji berries, raw cocao…) Dust off the spice rack. Turmeric, cayenne, rosemary and cumin are abundant in antioxidant compounds. It will set your metabolism on fire and will help you stay away from salt (which can give you bloating and major water retention) Get fermenting. Chop some cabbage, rub in a little salt, add a probiotic capsule and pop it in a jar for a few days. Tending to your inner garden is a vital part of a gently cleansing diet! Sauerkraut, kimchi, are incredible additions to your kitchen. Get a water alkalizer. Then bump up the hydration with at least two liters daily, with a wee pinch of sea salt added for extra minerals. I use this santevia model and absolutely [...]