By Lisa Holowaychuk, Holistic Health Coach + Life Stylist Spring is here and summer is fast approaching, and with that EVERYONE wants to find their glow, ditch the winter blues (and for many those holiday pounds that aren’t budging) and overall just feel lighter, more energized and happy. You can start doing some very simple things now, so when the temperatures start to rise you are feeling your best, inside and out. Never forget it’s the little things that you do every. single. day. Not the big things that you embark on. Feel the compassion, love and gratitude for each step along your journey as your body and self will thank you. Whip out the juicer. Aim for at least one alkalizing green juice daily (minimize fruit). If you only have a blender handy, green smoothies can be a tasty little vessel for an abundance of green veggies and superfoods (some of my favorites – maca, chia seeds, Vitamineral Greens, spirulina, camu camu, goji berries, raw cocao…) Dust off the spice rack. Turmeric, cayenne, rosemary and cumin are abundant in antioxidant compounds. It will set your metabolism on fire and will help you stay away from salt (which can give you bloating and major water retention) Get fermenting. Chop some cabbage, rub in a little salt, add a probiotic capsule and pop it in a jar for a few days. Tending to your inner garden is a vital part of a gently cleansing diet! Sauerkraut, kimchi, are incredible additions to your kitchen. Get a water alkalizer. Then bump up the hydration with at least two liters daily, with a wee pinch of sea salt added for extra minerals. I use this santevia model and absolutely [...]

By |2014-04-26T12:32:25-04:00April 26th, 2014|Detoxification/Cleanse, Mind Body Medicine, Uncategorized|Comments Off on DETOX @ HOME

One Important Tip for New Year’s Resolutions ….Made Easy!

by Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND on January 10, 2013 The New Year is FAST approaching and it is time to set our intentions for the coming year. Yes, it is a little early. But making important changes in our lives take time. Here is my simple recipe for resolution: 1 Part Vision 1 Part Passion 1 Part Willpower It’s simple and easy to follow…. right? All you need is the clarity of mind to know what you want, the desire or passion to seek it out and the willpower to follow-through. Easier said than done! At Innate Wellness we have designed some special New Years Packages to help you set your goals for the New Year and actually achieve them. Inquire about our  ‘New Year’s Kick-start Program’ or our ‘Winter Detox Program’. A little support and guidance from our life coach and nutritionist can take your goals that much further! […]

By |2024-06-26T06:04:27-04:00December 5th, 2013|Mental Clarity, Mind Body Medicine, Nutrition, Self Care|Comments Off on One Important Tip for New Year’s Resolutions ….Made Easy!

Seasonal Affective Disorder: Start early to beat the winter blues!

The clouds roll across the sky and the days get dark.  This marks the beginning of winter for many people, a trigger for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).  If you suffer from SAD you should focus on preparing for this season BEFORE the winter arrives with these simple tips: Incorporate Light Therapy (Begin Early Fall) Consider Vitamin D in the right dose! Supplement with Melatonin at the right time! Nutrition to beat the blues Exercise Do what you love and love what you do! […]

By |2024-07-22T08:32:43-04:00October 2nd, 2013|Mental Clarity, Mind Body Medicine|Comments Off on Seasonal Affective Disorder: Start early to beat the winter blues!

One Day Conscious

I attended a course with a master herbalist who began the class by asking, “From which direction was the wind blowing today?” No one could answer.  He continued to ask a number of questions all relating to the subtleties of nature.  As a class we were only able to answer one question. We knew it was a new moon. As individuals we had not been present in our day to notice to subtleties. These details are important for people who are in touch with and rely upon the land, seasons, rainfall and tides.  Unfortunately those of us who rely upon alarm clocks, the subway and Starbucks, often do not pay attention.   […]

By |2024-09-26T07:29:53-04:00September 23rd, 2013|Mental Clarity, Mind Body Medicine|Comments Off on One Day Conscious

Signs You Need More Sleep

Sleep is vital for maintaining mental, emotional, and physical health. Recognizing the signs you need more sleep can help you address underlying health concerns and improve your overall well-being. Are you feeling constantly tired, unfocused, or emotionally overwhelmed? These could be clear indicators that you’re not getting enough sleep.Sleep deprivation affects everything from cognitive function and mood to immune response and energy levels. It’s not just about feeling tired—it’s about how lack of sleep impacts your daily life and long-term health. Poor sleep habits can lead to difficulties concentrating, weakened immunity, and even increased risks of chronic conditions.Understanding why sleep is important for overall health and how to recognize the signs of insufficient rest is the first step to achieving better sleep. Let’s explore the key indicators and actionable steps you can take to reset your sleep cycle and restore balance to your life. IN THE NEWS:Two recent Huffington Post articles highlight how diet affects sleep patterns and the reverse – how sleep patterns affect diet.  ….Yes, there is a bit of ‘what comes first, the chicken or the egg‘?  Whatever it is, we do know for certain that food/health choices affect sleep, and sleep affects food/health choices. …and this is why I always look at rest, relaxation, and sleep with health coaching clients… it’s SO important.  Check out these surprising signs from the Huffington Post:Surprising Signs You Need More Sleepfrom the Huffington Post1.  You’re RavenousIf you find yourself hungry all day (and not because you skipped breakfast or have recently amped up your gym routine), it might be because you’ve been skimping on sleep.Research presented at the 2010 meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behaviour linked little shuteye with higher levels of the [...]

By |2025-02-11T03:45:25-05:00February 13th, 2013|Mind Body Medicine, Self Care, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Signs You Need More Sleep

Use This Holiday to Get a Leg Up on Longevity!

By Elizabeth K. Dawson, Holistic Health Coach Do you ever read about those societies that have the ‘secrets to longevity’ (like inner Sardinia) and are racking up centenarians like crazy – and you start to think that, by comparison, your future might be bleak?  Well, what if I told you to stop being such a sad panda and get started on gaining longevity points right now. With these six essentials below, it’s not completely necessary to relocate!  What those societies have are not 'secrets' as much as models for good living that you can focus in on right now.  Festive and family-oriented, December is the winter month that you can choose to put to its best use: taking time to implement some good habits of the longest-lived folks on earth. And may I add: this is not the month to drag yourself to endless events that drain you, despite the list of kind invitations.  Rather, t’is the season to be choosy about how you’re going to spend it!  If you truly want to extend your health and life like the Ikarians of Greece, here are some ways you can start, based on evidence from longevity experts: 1)   Start over with family dinners.  Use the season to resume togetherness over home-cooked meals with your loved ones.  If you have children, commit to a daily or weekly sit-down dinner at home, uninterrupted by TV or electronics.  And - *gulp* - just talk. (this can add years to your life expectancy and that of your family). 2)   Experiment with what rejuvenates you.  Select 3-4 free mornings this month to wake up and ask yourself what would bring you energy and joy that day.  On these precious mornings, don’t [...]

By |2024-09-26T07:23:14-04:00December 13th, 2012|Mind Body Medicine, Self Care, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Use This Holiday to Get a Leg Up on Longevity!

NEW Individual Holistic Healthy Living & Life Balance Program on for an amazing summer special! This summer is your chance to take the time to get your healthy balance back.  Our holistic health coach, Elizabeth, has put together a new individual program dedicated to positive life balance and healthy living, so you can handle the competing demands of life and be at your best. Here's two great ways to get started this summer: Book a free holistic health consultation Sign up!  The first 10 people to sign up in June will receive a fabulous deal of 50% off the program fee*! The program is simple:  Six sessions, six topics, a l'il bit of "homework", and unlimited benefits.  You will work one-on-one to practice and master the skills to achieve much-needed balance in your life. The program is designed for you to: Simplify and enjoy life Have greater capacity to filter and manage stressful situations Feel more focused, energized and satisfied Consciously choose how you spend your valuable time Be better able to prioritize and make decisions Find healthy options that work for you Feel less tired, tense, and out of shape - and more like yourself! Have greater confidence in how you handle your busy life Be in the best state of mind and body to be effective in the important roles that you fill. * 50% off for the first 10 people ready and daring enough to sign-up - only $225 plus hst!  This offer is only available for the first 10 people, so make sure you sign up now... This offer has expired.  Contact us at [email protected]  for current packages! (Regularly $450 plus hst)  

By |2024-04-18T10:00:32-04:00June 4th, 2012|Mind Body Medicine, Uncategorized|Comments Off on NEW Individual Holistic Healthy Living & Life Balance Program

The 90/10 Guide to Clean Eating and Trimming Excess

By Elizabeth K Dawson, MES Undoubtedly, almost all of us have taken on new eating habits at some time or another.  Sound familiar?  The big promises cut down on junk food, veto sugar, potato chips, soft drinks, beer, wine, cheese… sigh, the list goes on.  Particularly around the New Year, we tend to take on big dietary changes in hopes of increasing health, managing weight, reducing stress, or having more energy. Now, to be clear, these are often great changes!  Of course it’s good to take a look at all the excess bits and bites that filter into our day-to-day food, and make some changes towards more nourishing choices.  But, I’m also quite aware that as the days and weeks pass by, it becomes more difficult to maintain them if we are too strict. Making a Shift to the 90:10 Mindset 100% Clean Eating is almost certainly a recipe for “failure” and frustration.  Truthfully, no one wants to be that strict – it’s no fun at all, and not even very good for us!  Being ultra strict can zap the life and enjoyment out of eating delicious food, and add undue stress or feelings of guilt. To combat this and gain positivity, consider your eating habits as 90:10 – 90% clean, delicious and healthy, and 10% bonus, guilt-free extras.  This will help you fully enjoy all the good, healthy changes and will certainly lead to good, balanced and improved health! 90% Clean Eating - Remember, healthy food choices can be absolutely delicious, so focus on making the most of it!  Try new recipes and ingredients, good quality produce, or increased home-cooking.  Meat-eaters may want to try a few more vegetarian meals, or choose higher quality, [...]

By |2024-06-12T02:40:09-04:00January 19th, 2012|Mind Body Medicine|Comments Off on The 90/10 Guide to Clean Eating and Trimming Excess

If I could just have One. Good. Sleep.

By Elizabeth K. Dawson, MES Are you getting enough sleep?  Chances are – like so many people – you’re not.  And you probably feeling short-tempered, hungry, thirsty, foggy, irritable, sluggish, anxious, sore, and stressed (to name a few lovely symptoms of sleep deprivation). A few weeks ago, I realized that despite efforts to slow down and re-design my days towards sanity – I was just not getting enough sleep.   I was staying up late and still waking up tired.   I was filling my days and evenings with work, activities, friends, and general busy-ness.  And I was really starting to feel it...   Not surprising – research about the ill-effects of not sleeping enough is widespread and well-known. Since we all KNOW we should sleep more, the question is: How?  How can we possibly sleep when there’s so much going on? How to Sleep?  Experiment with going to bed early just one single time. With the onset of fall, you may be feeling (or fighting) a natural slowing down, and it’s a great time to take advantage of that inclination. Don’t worry – you don’t have to suddenly become an early-to-bed-bird and take on this new habit for all eternity.  The key to having one good sleep is… do it once!  Plan for it.  And enjoy it. Making this happen depends on you designing your day to accommodate slowing down earlier than usual and avoiding typical distractions.  Just for one night, peel yourself away…. 1) Ask yourself – what are you doing most often after 10pm? This will help you plan ahead to understand and set aside the things that usually keep you up late – even TV programs. 2) Choose the night. Pick one night in the [...]

By |2024-04-18T09:52:21-04:00October 26th, 2011|Mind Body Medicine, Self Care|Comments Off on If I could just have One. Good. Sleep.
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