Choose to BE – How Meditation Helps
By Dr. Alexia Georgousis ND Nearly twenty years ago I had the privilege of seeing the Dalai Lama here in Toronto. Even though I was seated in the nosebleed section, I was amazed at the power of his presence. Tears spontaneously ran down my cheeks as he walked on stage. It was as if my heart completely opened and all the hidden walls inside of me melted. I was not alone; the majority of people around me wiped their tears, sitting in silence, eyes fixed on his every movement – and he hadn’t even uttered a word. His opening statement was worth the price of the ticket; “I am just a man” he said. Then shortly there- after; “Don’t try to be a Buddhist. Be yourself.” Hearing those words felt like I was being wrapped in a warm blanket on an icy cold night. I mention this story because I attribute those simple, wise words of the Dalai Lama to be what encouraged me to continue to practice and study meditation to this day. I had struggled for years trying different techniques, teachers and styles. I read extensively on the subject, took courses and even became an Applied Mindfulness Meditation Specialist. Despite this training I would be frustrated or disappointed that the lasting changes I was hoping for were fleeting. I would still be impulsive at times, anxious, sad or angry, and yet I continued to practice inconsistently and often with reluctance. Then one day something clicked. I began to notice I was struggling with my struggle. For example; judging my meditation practice as either good or bad, having expectations and attachments to a specific outcome or feeling disappointed with not [...]