By Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND

Exploring how to boost your immune system naturally can significantly reduce infection risks and alleviate symptoms when sick. This process, essential for maintaining health, starts with prevention and includes acute care when needed. By adhering to proven naturopathic practices, you can strengthen the immune system and protect yourself from various ailments.


To prevent infections and lessen the impact of viruses like the common cold or influenza during cold and flu season, it’s important to strengthen your immune system. Incorporating fruits and vegetables into your diet can boost immunity by providing necessary micronutrients that support immune function. Additionally, lifestyle changes such as getting enough sleep and engaging in regular exercise can help your immune system fight off germs more effectively. Starting these habits early in the season can make a significant difference in how your body handles potential infections.

The following remedies are helpful for prevention:

  • Homeopathic remedies can be taken during cold and flu season to prevent an infection and can also be taken at the first sign of a cold to help prevent a full-blown infection
    • Boiron Oscillococcinum
  • Immune herbal tonics that contain adaptogenic herbs such as astragalus, Siberian ginseng and medicinal mushrooms, when taken daily can help boost the immune system and prevent infections
  • Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin A & Vitamin D are nutrients that enhance the immune system’s ability to respond to infections. It is important to have healthy levels going into cold and flu season as a deficiency of these nutrients lowers the immune system and increases susceptibility to infections.
    • Many supplements contain a combination of these ingredients
    • Supplement vitamin D on its own
    • Cod liver oil is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D & A
    • A.C.E.S. + zinc is a great combination

Avoid sugar and dairy. Consume a whole food-based diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruits

Wash your hands often with soap and water

Address Stress. Don’t allow yourself to get run down as this increases your susceptibility
to illness.

Keep Your Wind Gate covered. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the wind gate is a specific acupuncture point (Urinary Bladder 12) but is generally considered the neck and upper back. This area is vulnerable to the entrance of wind and external pathogens. The invasion of wind can lead to symptoms of cold and flu. Keeping your neck warm and
covered through windy, cold months will help your body stay warm and improve resistance to illness.

Acute Care

When you start experiencing the initial symptoms of a cold or flu, such as a sore throat or chills, it’s a very important time to take action and boost your immune system! Probiotics and dietary supplements may help improve your immune response, aiding in quicker recovery. Ensuring you maintain healthy habits during this time, like continuing to consume immune-boosting foods and getting adequate rest, can significantly influence your body’s immune system functioning and help mitigate the severity of respiratory infections.

COLD & FLU FIRST AID KIT (keep these on hand during cold & flu season)

  • Warm salt water gargle. Respiratory illness aka Colds, begins in the throat.
    Gargling can help address the local infection.
  • Boiron Oscillococcinum. Take daily at the first
    sign of a cold
  • Echinacea herbal tonics help to boost the immune system to fight
    off an infection
  • Zinc Lozenges


  • Avoid sugar and dairy
    • Sugar lowers immunity and dairy promotes mucous formation
      – Consume cooked, warm foods that are easy to digest and warm you from the
      inside. Soups, stews, broths and tea

Remember to rest. This is one of the most necessary pieces for healthy immune
support and recovery from infections.

Supportive Treatment

  • The Warming Sock Treatment

    • This is a simple yet effective hydrotherapy technique used to relieve nasal congestion and stimulate the upper respiratory tract’s immune health, particularly during a cold or flu. It works better than some medications by avoiding side effects. This method also aids in easing body aches and contributes to a more restful sleep, which is vital for recovering from illnesses such as colds, influenza, earaches, sore throats, and sinus infections. Safe for all ages, from infants to the elderly, this treatment is particularly beneficial during the peak of cold and flu season and complements other methods to boost your immune system.
      • Preparation. In the evening, before going to bed, prepare by having a pair of cotton socks and a pair of wool socks. They must be at least 90% cotton and 90% wool, respectively. Most sporting goods stores
        and some department stores carry wool socks. For small children. you can use safety pins to hold a wool sock on that is too large, or rap wool cloth around each foot.
      • Step 1. Soak the foot part of the cotton socks in cold tap water and wring them out thoroughly. Place the socks close to the basin or bathtub used in the next step. Note: If your feet are already warm (e.g., you have already been in bed) you can skip to Step 3.
      • Step 2. Put your feet into a basin or bathtub of hot water to warm up your feet. Soak them for a few minutes, until they are hot and pink.
      • Step 3. Remove your feet from the hot water and quickly dry them off. Immediately put on the cold wet cotton socks, and then over them, put on the dry wool socks.
      • Step 4. Go directly to bed and keep your feet covered through the night. The therapy does not work if you or your feet are uncovered, such as when walking around or sitting in a chair.
    • When the Cold Sock Treatment procedure is followed correctly, the feet will start warming up within a few minutes of getting covered in bed. The congestion will usually start to be relieved within 30 minutes. It will often work better than a decongestant or antihistamine to relieve congestion during sleep. In addition, it is not uncommon to see a small child or infant fall immediately to sleep after they are put to bed with the Cold Sock Treatment. After approximately four hours the socks should be totally dry, the feet warm, and the symptoms will be much improved (if not gone).
  • Immune Tea

    • 1 tbls of freshly grated ginger, 1-2 cloves of garlic chopped, ½ lemon juice, a pinch of cayenne pepper, 1 tsp of Manuka or regular honey. This is good for 2-3 cups (the size of a Bodum or French press). Let
      steep for 20 minutes. Drink throughout the day
    • Herbal teas, liquids, conges and broths are easily digested, nutrient-rich and will prevent dehydration. Digestion takes a lot of energy that the immune system needs in order to fight an infection and this is often why appetite is low during the flu. The old saying goes: “Starve a fever, feed a cold”.

Effective Immune System Strategies at Innate Wellness

This article has outlined effective naturopathic methods to boost the immune system naturally, focusing on both preventative measures and acute care tactics. At Innate Wellness, our specialized naturopathic services are designed to support your immune health using holistic practices that align with natural body processes. For personalized advice on how to build your immune system naturally, visit our website or contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experts. Ensure your health year-round by learning how to boost your immune system naturally with our guidance.