Mental Wellness and Self-Care

By Lindsey Danisch, RSW & Provider of Psychotherapy The phrase “self-care” was one of 2017’s mental health buzz terms, and for good reasons. As a society, we are working more hours, hooked into our technical devices longer, creating endless piles of to-do lists, and in a constant social media race of comparison and acceptance. It’s exhausting. To combat this reality, the term self-care pops up as a possible remedy. Between friends or colleagues, casual discussions of wine and Netflix binges are the beginner’s version of self-help. Perhaps the goal for 2018 is to take the concept of self-care to a new level. Let’s be clear, there is no right or wrong way to engage in self-care.  But what if the new challenge is to engage in self-care that isn’t just for immediate release but a step towards meeting a larger need. For example: instead of always choosing a Netflix binge, pick up that book you’ve been meaning to read. Instead of always choosing a glass of wine or pour of bourbon, go to bed early, so you can wake in time for a morning run. The idea is that self-care takes on a deeper meaning, and can challenge us to engage in behaviours that aren’t just for immediate relief, but to help our overall mental wellness become more sustainable. This can be accomplished in many areas on life. Yes, this is harder than it sounds. Yes, I struggle with this the same as everyone else. […]

By |2018-04-24T14:17:26-04:00April 24th, 2018|Mental Clarity, Mind Body Medicine, Self Care|Comments Off on Mental Wellness and Self-Care

Using Your Third Eye to Tap into Your Intuition

By Geraldine LoMonaco, Energy Healer & Intuitive Practitioner  Have you ever had a moment when you felt something was just not right? Maybe you had a sense of unease while walking through a parking lot or meeting someone for the first time. How did you respond? Did you shrug it off or dismiss it as illogical nonsense? […]

By |2019-04-08T19:51:31-04:00March 6th, 2018|Innate Wisdom Practitioner Q&A, Medical Intuition, Mental Clarity, Mind Body Medicine|Comments Off on Using Your Third Eye to Tap into Your Intuition

Perimenopausal Relief with Acupuncture

By Xianmin Yu, Registered Acupuncturist What is perimenopause? Perimenopause refers to a period around menopause, which marks a transition period of female’s sexual function from maturity to decline or to the end of reproductive time. This transition period usually starts in the mid-40s, but some females might even start this process as early as their late-30s. Perimenopause is actually a normal process for females to have some physiological changes. Due to body constitution differences, and social and psychological factors, females who could not adapt to this physiological transition smoothly, would develop perimenopausal syndrome accordingly. Perimenopause involves a series of clinical symptoms caused by endocrine (i.e., reproductive endocrine and neuroendocrine) disorders and autonomic dysfunction which are triggered by decreased estrogen level. As ovarian function declines to complete loss, both blood estrogen and progesterone levels drop, which breaks up the balance of hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis, and thus leads to autonomic dysfunction. Typical symptoms are irregular periods (i.e., the coming period is unpredictable as the length of time between two periods varies dramatically). Popular clinical symptoms include sleep disorders (i.e., insomnia, shallow sleep, easy to wake up, dreaminess), sweating after hot flashes, fatigue, palpitation, dizziness, ear ringing, irritability, depression, anxiety, joints pain (osteoarthritis), low back sore, and heel pain. Other common clinical symptoms include forgetful, breast fullness, abnormal skin sensations, knee weakness, decreased sexual desire, intercourse pain, etc. Thee symptoms vary in severity, and may show up partially or entirely in some severe cases. […]

By |2019-04-08T19:51:32-04:00March 6th, 2018|Acupuncture, Women's Wellness|Comments Off on Perimenopausal Relief with Acupuncture

Massage Therapy & Women’s Health

Interview with Leigh-Anne Best, Registered Massage Therapist Leigh-Anne is one of the talented team of RMTs at Innate Wellness. Both as an RMT and as a mother, she has tackled many women’s health issues including pelvic floor health, pregnancy, labour and postpartum health. She is a wealth of information on how massage can be used for women specific concerns. We asked her to help us understand a little more about how this wonderful modality can be used for health & healing in women. Q1: How can massage therapy help to address women’s health? Massage Therapy is well known for its ability to promote relaxation, reduce stress and muscle tension, as well as for its role in rehabilitation and injury prevention. However, there is less of an understanding of the benefits of massage as a holistic approach to women’s health issues. What most people don’t know is that Massage Therapy is an effective modality for treating women’s health issues, including irregular menstrual cycles, menstrual disorders like PMS and PMDD, but also for aiding with fertility issues. Additionally, massage is an excellent means in which to support the ever-changing needs in women’s bodies during pregnancy, in preparation for birth and during labour, and, most importantly, as part of the postpartum picture for healing. […]

By |2021-06-01T01:02:03-04:00March 6th, 2018|Fertility, Innate Wisdom Practitioner Q&A, Massage Therapy, Post Natal Care, Women's Wellness|Comments Off on Massage Therapy & Women’s Health

Traditional Chinese Energy, Pain & Stress Management 

Q & A with Evelyn Cho, RMT, R.Ac Meet Evelyn! She is a new acupuncturist at Innate Wellness. She brings a great balance to our acupuncture practice with a background as a Registered Massage Therapist & Registered Acupuncturist. She blends the two therapies but only offers acupuncture sessions at Innate Wellness. Her knowledge gives her a great edge in the treatment of chronic fatigue, chronic pain and chronic stress. We sat down to ask her a few tips about managing these conditions with acupuncture. Evelyn practices on Wednesdays at our High Park location. Call the front desk to book an appointment! What is your focus in your acupuncture practice? My main focus is chronic pain and fatigue.  I have worked as a Massage therapist for 10 years, so I have a lot of experience treating acute injuries, repetitive strains, and trauma from sports or accidents.  Recently, I’ve turned my attention to chronic pain or fibromyalgia, which doesn’t always have an obvious cause or progression.  The combination of massage therapy and acupuncture work very well together to alleviate pain and improve energy levels.  In addition, I’ve worked with a lot of fertility cases, headaches/migraines, and facial rejuvenation. Can acupuncture be used to improve energy & motivation?  It sure can! Many find the cold months very challenging, moods are depressed and energy is lower.  It’s usually helpful to make a few lifestyle and dietary tweaks in conjunction with acupuncture treatments. I usually recommend a course of 10 weekly treatments to make a major shift, but people usually notice significant improvement by 5-6 treatments. […]

By |2019-04-08T19:51:32-04:00January 9th, 2018|Acupuncture, Mental Clarity, Pain and Fatigue, Women's Wellness|Comments Off on Traditional Chinese Energy, Pain & Stress Management 

Prevention Acupuncture

By Xianmin Yu, R.Ac Have you considered starting off the year with some acupuncture? Preventative acupuncture treatment is one way to prevent illness throughout the year. What is prevention treatment? The conception of prevention has been raised in the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) classic more than 2000 years ago. This prevention treatment idea is composed of two important meanings. First, it stresses the important notion of dealing with any potential or foreseeable illness by applying acupuncture, moxa, herbs in advance on your healthy bodies to prevent them from taking place. Second, it stresses an important notion of stopping the existing illness from transforming and transporting to other parts of your bodies by applying TCM treatment methods. A metaphor that could be used here is to prepare weapons ready before the war starts. […]

By |2018-01-09T17:37:29-05:00January 9th, 2018|Acupuncture, Cold and Flu Season, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture|Comments Off on Prevention Acupuncture

Homeopathy for Cold and Flu Season

By Quinn McCutcheon, Hom With the winter months, comes cold weather, and with that comes cold and flu season. Cold and flu viruses thrive with less humidity and in cold weather. When this season is in effect, think Homeopathy. Homeopathy helps assist the body to relieve symptoms and support the immune system to return back to optimal health. […]

By |2018-01-09T18:15:52-05:00January 9th, 2018|Cold and Flu Season, Homeopathy|Comments Off on Homeopathy for Cold and Flu Season

Nutrition Advice That Will Never Change

By Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND Are you considering a new diet for 2018? You may want to reconsider. A lot of diets restrict nutrients, which are essential for bodily function or increase nutrients that are unhealthy in high amounts over long periods of time. Health is found in balance, not restriction (although balance can sometimes feel like restriction!) The perfect place to start is with the macronutrients: Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates. Learning how to balance macronutrients will get you on the path to feeling better in 2018! […]

By |2018-01-09T16:20:46-05:00January 9th, 2018|Cardiovascular Health, Detoxification/Cleanse, Digestion, Nutrition|Comments Off on Nutrition Advice That Will Never Change

Nutrition for Healthy Breasts

By: Dr. Kathleen Regan, ND It is not a stretch to say that health begins with what you eat. This is true of breast health and hormonal health in general. Changes in breast tissue from benign cysts to breast cancer have been linked to estrogen balance within the body or “estrogen dominance”. “Estrogen dominance” is a term used to describe a high ratio of estrogen to progesterone or just globally high estradiol (one of the three types of possible estrogen). Estrogen dominance has been linked to many different types of women’s health issues besides breast health including PMS symptoms, menopausal symptoms, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, allergies, decreased libido, fatigue, fibrocystic breasts, headaches, infertility, irritability, and fat gain around the abdomen and on the top of the thighs. In addition, studies have shown a well-established link between excess estrogen and breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer and cervical dysplasia. The good news is that hormones are affected by nutrition. Modifying specific dietary and lifestyle habits can help to keep hormones balanced! The following list includes nutrition habits that negatively impact healthy estrogen balance and healthy breasts. […]

By |2017-10-17T13:48:47-04:00October 17th, 2017|ND Editorial, Nutrition, Women's Wellness|Comments Off on Nutrition for Healthy Breasts

Back to School Anxiety

Q & A with Melody Yeung, Registered Psychotherapist and Teacher Back to school brings up a lot of ‘stuff’ for parents and kids. When tackling these thoughts – it can be helpful to get a little help from the experts. We sat down with Registered Psychotherapist & School Teacher, Melody Yeung to ask how she can help. Melody, what are some of the most common back to school anxieties that children face? It is definitely common to have back-to-school jitters, and from my experience, teachers get it too! It is hard to go back to a structured routine after a relaxing and enjoyable summer. Some of the most common back-to-school anxieties include: Who will be my teacher? Will my new teacher be nice? Will my friends be in my class? Will anyone be my friend? Will I fit in? Are my clothes cool enough? What if something bad happens to mom and dad when I’m at school? […]

By |2019-04-08T19:51:33-04:00August 29th, 2017|Innate Wisdom Practitioner Q&A, Pediatric Health|Comments Off on Back to School Anxiety
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