Conscious Awareness Facilitation

Conscious Awareness Facilitation is a unique type of coaching developed by naturopathic doctor, Alexia Georgousis. It is intended to help you become more self-aligned and self-directed. In these one-on-one sessions, Alexia will provide you with various awareness practices specific to your needs.  You can feel more present, more calm and more engaged in your life by learning and practicing conscious awareness techniques. Feeling more joy and ease begins with awareness of ourselves. Once we become aware, we are better able to respond instead of react. We are no longer hostage to our emotions and we are then able to make choices that support the life we want to create. […]

By |2024-05-14T04:23:48-04:00June 18th, 2019|Anxiety, Mental Clarity, Mind Body Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, Self Care|Comments Off on Conscious Awareness Facilitation

Summer is a great time to detox!

Yes, summer is a great time to detox! The arrival of summer brings warmer temperatures, sunshine, and longer days, which lends itself to us wanting to get the most out of the season.  While detoxes are usually thought of as a springtime endeavour, summer can be a fantastic time to reset your health and build some positive habits to support your wellness. The summer season is the time our bodies feel most resilient.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine, summer is the most yang of all seasons – a positive force characterized by light, warmth, dryness, activity, etc.  Because of this, it’s easier to make changes in our life during the summer, where we may experience more resistance at other times of the year.  Likewise, it’s easier to choose the food that is going to leave you feeling light and energized instead of heavy and weighed down. […]

By |2019-06-17T14:47:36-04:00June 17th, 2019|Detoxification/Cleanse, Naturopathic Medicine, Nutrition|Comments Off on Summer is a great time to detox!

Mother’s Day Meal Planning Package

By Kerri Lambie, RHN There are so many great reasons to visit a Holistic Nutritionist but I find the most common reason is to help with meal planning. Planning a meal can be tough with limitations that include work priorities, family responsibilities, time constraints or simply being unsure of what to eat. I understand this all! And my journey to holistic nutrition started because of it…… […]

By |2019-05-09T20:42:13-04:00May 9th, 2019|Nutrition|Comments Off on Mother’s Day Meal Planning Package

Mother’s Day Breakfast in Bed

By Innate Wellness Team At Innate Wellness we work a lot with women, supporting them through the parenting journey from preconception onward. Mother's Day is a special moment to pause and reflect on the love and effort that women put into their families and communities. The support we show our mother helps to renew her strength. With the right support, her strength can build amazing things! What better way to support her strength than with nourishing food? This year, our Innate Team has created a unique spread for breakfast in bed! Ritual Tea Refreshing Fruit Salad Baked Egg in Avocado 

By |2019-05-09T20:43:11-04:00May 8th, 2019|Recipes|Comments Off on Mother’s Day Breakfast in Bed

The Ritual Tea

By Innate Wellness Team Part of Mother's Day is helping Mom celebrate the time and mindfulness she has put into parenting. We all need a reminder every now and then that we are doing a good job! For parents, a daily pat on the back is important. That is why we have brought the Ritual Tea to our 'Breakfast in Bed for Mom' feature. The Ritual Tea is formulated to be consumed daily in a window of calm with deep breathing and positive reflection on all the things we have done well. This rooibos blend includes the calming flavour of lemongrass with the warming and uplifting tastes of ginger, pink peppercorn, cardamom and cinnamon. Find your grounding and positivity in a mug of tea! For medicinal teas, steep 1 Tbsp of loose leaves for 10 minutes. Drink warm and with time to reflect.

By |2019-05-08T16:54:53-04:00May 8th, 2019|Anxiety, Mind Body Medicine, Recipes|Comments Off on The Ritual Tea

Refreshing Fruit Salad

By Dr. Angelina Riopel, ND The combination of cucumbers, herbs and fruit makes this a uniquely refreshing take on a typical fruit salad. I love cilantro as a herb in the salad, it combines so nicely with the cucumber and grapefruit. But if you or Mom are not a fan of cilantro, mint is always delicious. Recipe: Grapefruit 2 honey crisp apple (or any crisp apple) 1 English cucumber Fresh raspberries 1 lime juiced Mint, basil or cilantro Chop peeled grapefruit, apples and cucumber into chunks, add the raspberries and toss in the herbs and lime juice. Enjoy!

By |2021-06-01T00:56:40-04:00May 8th, 2019|Recipes|Comments Off on Refreshing Fruit Salad

Mother’s Day Baked Egg in Avocado

By Kerri Lambie Hom, R.H.N As a nutritionist, I know the nutrient value of avocados. They offer an abundance of vitamin B6, vitamin C, fiber and healthy fats. They contain more potassium than a banana (Yes! True!) and are rich in folate. Amazingly, avocados can support your health in so many ways: Improve antioxidant absorption Reduce the risk of heart disease Boost your brain health, memory and mood Keep your eyes healthy as you age […]

By |2019-05-09T20:24:31-04:00May 8th, 2019|Recipes|Comments Off on Mother’s Day Baked Egg in Avocado

Spring Detox Smoothie

By Sonja Smiljanic, BA, NNCP Prep time: 5 mins Serves: 1 1/2 cup coconut water 5 ice cubes 1 cup raw baby spinach 1/2 green apple peeled and chopped 1/4 small avocado (for a bit of smoothness) Freshly grated ginger to taste (1/2 to 1″ is recommended) 1/4 freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 tsp. chia seeds Optional: unflavoured protein powder of choice and a dollop of cultured coconut yogurt to top […]

By |2019-04-26T11:50:56-04:00April 11th, 2019|Detoxification/Cleanse, Recipes|Comments Off on Spring Detox Smoothie

Start Your Spring Detox With These 3 Simple Steps

By Dr. Keara Taylor, ND Detox, cleanse, reset – these are words that frequently pop up at this time of year.  Are you curious about what a detox actually is and whether it is appropriate for you? First of all, detoxification is a metabolic process that the body undergoes to clear out toxins; those created within the body (endogenous toxins) and those coming from outside of the body (exogenous toxins).  The process includes mobilization, biotransformation, and ultimately the elimination of these substances.   Many of our organs are involved in this process, including the skin, liver, kidneys and intestines.  The liver is where phase I and phase II detoxification occurs, which is essentially the biotransformation of toxins so they can be eliminated safely from the body through the intestines and kidneys.  Phase I and Phase II detoxification require specific nutrients in order to occur, for example, B vitamins and antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, CoQ10 and bioflavonoids, as well as nutrients like glutamine and N-acetyl-cysteine. […]

By |2021-06-01T01:14:41-04:00April 8th, 2019|Detoxification/Cleanse|Comments Off on Start Your Spring Detox With These 3 Simple Steps

Sustainable Nutrition Resolutions

By Sonja Smiljanic, BA, NNCP, Holistic Nutritionist As a Nutritionist I often get asked about what people should avoid or restrict in order to feel better. I do think there is an important and necessary place for restriction, but I believe that to implement sustainable change when it comes to nutrition and to feel positive about the changes the lens has to be shifted to what can and should be incorporated, more so than what needs to be restricted. Language plays an integral role in how we think about food, our nutrition goals, and our health in general, and thus I believe it’s important to use positive language as much as possible when talking about our relationship with food. This approach is sustainable, positive, and empowering and supports a sense of trust between a person and their body. I will eat more vegetables Whatever your base line, try and add a little more. Vegetables nurture our bodies so nicely with an abundance of vitamins, minerals, fibre, and complex carbohydrates that energize us. Whether it’s adding a cup more of frozen veggies to your stir-fry, a handful of spinach to your smoothie in the morning or opting for a salad at lunch time these are little ways to incorporate more vegetables into your personal menu! […]

By |2019-04-08T19:51:28-04:00March 19th, 2019|Detoxification/Cleanse, Digestion, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Women's Wellness|Comments Off on Sustainable Nutrition Resolutions
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